Write , I am not sure that what to do because I suspect that the HPD Grandmother will use T in some cruel game with me. I am not 'dehumanizing' her , but rather am mindful of her darkside of which I have firsthand experience.
Maybe it is not wise for me to re-connect with T all . He does not need to be caught up in a game of push-pull between HPD and me. He has had a life of adult games with him as prize, and maybe a connection with me will make a bad situation worse.
The Grandmother(HPD) does not place any value on my relationship with him -how do i know this ? Because she has dis-connected him from me for four months after taking him away from his home when I was absent.
There were no legitimate reasons for her to do this. I am not violent, I do not drink alcohol or do drugs, I do nothave aggression issues -I do not even eat red meat. She took off to avoid telling me face to face that she and T were leaving. Cowardly and weak.
She is only concerned with her own needs and wants . Please don't tell me to look for the good points in her - I am aware of those as meagre as they are. I do acknowledge that I need to work with her IF I wish to see Tyson, but I do not see that I need to see her good points.
This woman has a trail of emotional wreckage behind her. She endlessly interfered in my life and tried to alienate my friends. If that was not working she then tried to recruit them to be 'her' friend and did so by starting gossip and rumors about me.
I need some more time to open up all the options before I approach her.