Oh, I am so sad for you. I remember just standing in my kitchen crying and crying for no apparent reason after my son was born. And you certainly have reasons!
Please have faith that the answers will come, and try not to put energy into figuring it all out right now. You have just gone through the most stressful and life changing thing a woman could possibly experience. Put off anything else....things have a way of working out well when we don't worry so much about them. Take action when and if you have to, and in the meantime, don't even care what your ex is thinking/doing.
Put the bear away, your child is too young to appreciate it, and it is upsetting to you, forget about it...(it was such an N present anyway...."oh, woah is me....I want him to hear MY voice"....coming from a stuffed bear????).
Focus on what you DO want, which you have in a sweet little bundle....and take any energy away from the N, for even now, you can see what he is.
My biggest mistakes were made when I felt sorry for "poor" exN. He was so very good at making others feel his pain, and then getting his way!!
So you know this. So let go of him, his pain, his needs. Your child deserves a mom who knows she deserves a good life, and whose goal is clear: to make a happy, emotionally healthy home for her and her child.
Relax. Have faith, things will be ok....breathe....focus on what you want, not what you don't. Good things will continue to happen.
Practical advice: Sleep when your baby does....and as close as possible to him. It's not a waste of time, it's essential.