Jaded-- please STOP with all of the negativity and anger, hiding it behind the guise of "my right to a voice".
Maybe in one way, you are truly discovering your voice, your assertiveness, your ability to question things presented to you, after living an egg shell, hell walk with xN. We all know what that is like. But please remember that there is BALANCE. You can go too far the other way as well.
This exchange was between Hope & Engel, and it was really not your business. You really should have left it alone Jaded. It is NOT a matter of your "right" to speak your opinion(yes, you have that) it was a matter of common courtesy, etiquette, thoughtfulness. Do you understand the difference??
Now, you may have even ruined Hope's chances of connecting with Engel, and she wantes too!!!
Engel is a sweet, SINCERE woman, who reached out with a loving heart and didn't deserve such a negative interference by a long shot. Engel, if you are reading this, know how much you are respected and liked.
Perhaps you are processing anger over xN(many of us are) and that is understandable, but to consistently unleash it on your fellow N partners is NOT okay by any means. WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT HERE, AND NEED TO ***SUPPORT*** one another.
You can let some things pass that you have feelings on, you know. You don't have to comment on every thing that you feel. Again, even though the message was written in a public forum(couldn't be helped) the conversation was meant to be between those two people. There is a time to be thoughtful, and courteous, and simply leave things alone.
Do you see the negative vibe and agruging you have succeeded in causing? Do you feel good about this? That is a serious question, NOT a put down. Ask yourself if you get a payoff-- something like feeling powerful where you have felt powerless before in your life, feeling heard where you have felt unheard, etc...
Please do not just lash out and attack others who are writing in disagreement to what you said. Instead, why not end the thread(with your silence) and THINK to yourself only, about things.
If so many people are replying to you in the same way, it is worth some thought, no? Isn't part of healing from N having the ability to examine ourselves and grow?
If you feel like attacking me, as you have with others who have tried to reason with you (NOT shut down your voice, just get you to not use it so it hurts others NEEDLESSLY) maybe take that as an inner cue... That you want to lash out yet *again*. Is it because you feel criticised and feel like you need to react at gut level and mount a defense instead of reflecting on any truth that might be there for you to learn from?
Please think about these things, instead of just being ready to POUNCE, to attack... Let go of so much anger that seems everywhere for you(this is not the first post of yours I've read)... It will drain, make you ill, and isolate you.
Best of luck to you.
Hope, I do hope that you get to connect with Engel somehow. IMHO, it would be a loss if you didn't