Hi there,
I don't know if this is good advice for you but I have found myself in lots of similar situations and I find that either you take some steps to resolve it and speak up, or you run from it and it lives on in your memory as a bad thing where you were disrespected, once again.
I would argue that unless you talk to your landlords about what they did that bothered you, you are putting them on a pedestal (a someone who always knows what they're doing, and intended every consequence of their actions because they could perfectly foresee the results, and the result is what they wanted, etc).
If you leave the way you are planning, you will always be angry about it and it will become another bone to chew for a long time. Try to start out giving them the benefit of the doubt. What I mean is, a person's home is a very emotional thing. So they are overreacting and irrational about an imagined risk. That is kind of normal, although tiresome. They have not valued or respected you. That is not ok and you need to call it to their attention.
Maybe you can say you want to talk to them about what happened. Try to do it when you are calm. Think through what you are going to say and keep it "I" words. "I felt from your reaction that you did not trust me" or "I was offended when you said such and such", "it bothered me when X happened". Show them how they were wrong. See how they react. Then you can decide what to do. Or you can decide already, but leave it that you made your viewpoint clear and if they want to be jerks, let them.
If you have been friends so long, it is for a reason, and if you break that up, they might not be the only loser. So don't move out to punish them. If your friendship has been one sided, it might be best to leave it. But if not, and this is just one (or a few) incident, maybe it is worth trying to resolve it. Human nature is that people get away with what they can, even good people. So set your boundaries.
ok! Rant over!