Author Topic: Newby  (Read 12298 times)


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« Reply #60 on: June 09, 2005, 08:23:54 AM »
Thank you for the encouragement.  I have experience most things that I wanted to in life and I really only have the desire to be the best husband and father that I can be.  I thought I was on the path to fullfill that dream until my wife became insatiable.


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« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2005, 10:59:10 AM »
Well, I got an email yesterday stating the auto ins. company did not cash the check for our insurance which she sent in about two weeks ago. The payment was due on 6/2.  I went to the account and just paid it online. When she sends a check, she checks her bank statement online to see if the check is cashed.  She watches her account daily.  This can actually be good so things don't slip through the cracks.  She is very borderline with OCD. I didn't mind the ocd because she was very responsible. It was a little annoying that I wasn't allowed to eat in my own dining room. Maybe that was because nothing was ever mine, it was all her's.  I just responded with what I had done.  She sent me a sweet thank you with smiley faces.  She appears to be so happy now.  I guess that is good for her.  I got an email today stating the check was cashed today so I can just deduct the amount from what I send her next month.  It appears her new source is keeping satisfied for the moment.  It may work for them as long as he never wants to do anything for himself.


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« Reply #62 on: June 09, 2005, 11:35:44 AM »
Hey Newby,
Thanks for the encouragement and hope for a normal future.

You're welcome, pal. My pleasure.
It sounds like you have a great wife.

Truer words were never spoken. Even when her hormones are a little out of whack. :wink:  :P
How did you come to this forum? Did you have a close encounter?

I'm a little of the odd man out here. I had a good childhood and i never married or got tangled up romantically with an N.
My brother however is, in my opinion, suffering from NPD.
We were in business together and are presently in court. He has essentially destroyed my relationship with the rest of my family, tried to destroy my reputation and cost me untold sums of money.
My story is buried  several pages back in the board.

So not only did I have a close encounter, you might say I have been the victim of an alien abduction. I'd say it's been a lot closer to the 'X Files' than 'Close Encounters', however. :evil:



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« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2005, 11:56:47 AM »
I am sorry to hear about the problem with your brother and family.  I am fortunate to have a very close family who would never do anything to purposely hurt each other.  I believe that is why my wife hated all of them. She may have been jealous of our closeness and respect for each other.  We all have our faults but that is what forgiveness is all about. She tried to turn us against each other and when she didn't succeed, she said I picked them over her.  That wasn't the case, I believe we can all overlook each other's minor flaws and live in peace.  A person can say just about anything to me without getting me upset because I know my own heart and who I am.  I guess that is why I couldn't relate to my wife's need to create some sort of drama out of the most trivial things. We could never go more than two weeks without her picking a fight. I know we both believe in reconciliation; so, I hope your family will be healed in the future.  I know you can do your part to forgive.  Life is to short to have these battles.  My parents both passed on in there 50's and it gives me greater respect for life and family.  I wish my wife would feel that way after losing her father at 8.  But, I guess she was to young and it just contributed to fear of abandonment.  I wish I could share with her but I know that is impossible.  Maybe someone else can help heal her pain.