G'day Jophil --
The lady sounds to me like what we here in the States call a 'playa'.
Umm, some of us anyway. Others might have rather saltier terms...

Have you ever read the old classic, "Games People Play"? There's a 'game' in there called "Let's You and Him Fight".
I think there's a variation of the game described there, in which a, umm, Lady gets Gent A and Gent B into a donnybrook over the bestowal of her favors, accidentally on purpose, don'cha know. And while they're pounding on one another, she takes off with Gent C, which was her intent all along.
Sound familiar?
I could be totally wrong about this, but I'm a gal myself, and us ladies aren't easily fooled by this stuff. Hopefully some of the other gals will chime in soon!