Hiya Bunny, I just picked myself up off the floor, my reaction. No advice - okay. I wonder what kind of advice you might imagine? Critical advice? “Get a grip” advice? My curiosity factor goes off the scale. I’ll try and control myself.
What advice would you have given yourself on post one? I like that idea. (Is this advice?)
Meltdown. Did anyone in your life notice? Did you show signs to those around you? Meltdown for me would be crying a lot, staying off work, probably a bit of violence (chucking stuff maybe), maybe some fast driving…oh dear.
Or maybe a quiet meltdown, staying in bed until 6pm for a few days, not being able to see the point in washing or eating, watching drivel on tv. Staring at the table, not thinking.
No advice. No gush. But can I say just one eensy weensy little thing? Please?
Bunny: suddenly you’re REAL to me, suddenly you’re HUMAN and I really, really, really, really like it. I like this Bunny! Why?
I was scared of Bunny before. All the time scared of you. I’m still a little scared but I can work on that. Now I can respect you instead. Fear precludes respect.
Damn. Like my step-dad.
Whoah let’s leave that to one side for a momento and do some more. Quick, divert.
GFN said:
making you wonder if he might have changed? Might not be the loser he was back then?
I say: loser!
I should join the other passengers leaving the sinking ship.
'Okay, see ya!' I know I know, if it was me, I’d be on the phone, I’d be in there with a blunt, tactless scalpel, trying to help. It’s too easy to see clearly when it’s not happening to you; it’s way too difficult when it is you in the picture.
He replied that it was very nice of me and that his life was now all messed up, just like in 1976. But that he wouldn't talk about it and I should join the other passengers leaving the sinking ship. Needless to say, this triggered all of my rescue/codep stuff and I was DYING to know what his situation was.
This isn’t advice okay? I’m still scared enough not to offer you something you say you don’t want. This is one of my alternative opinions on what you’ve written above. I don’t think it’s rescue/codep stuff. Yeah and I’m a qualified psycho-(haha fill in your own ending!). I think you’re dying to know about you, not about him. That’s my killer sentence! I think you’ll hate it, dismiss it.
And someone like that from your past, that’s maybe a good way of finding out about yourself. I have made one feeble effort to contact a bloke from 20 years ago who will possibly let me find out something about myself, but I’m chicken about doing it. I need to find him. I need to know what I was like then. I need to say ‘sorry’. But most of all, I think it will help me make sense of where I’ve been since, for 20 years. And it scares me. I treated him badly and vice-versa but I guess, maybe, I want to confront who I was, if that makes sense. That’s me. Nothing to do with you and this loser from 29 years ago.
Daylily - Stop making sense – Talking Heads? Excellent!
For me, Joy Division - Love will tear us apart