Author Topic: Finally, I get it.  (Read 2397 times)


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Finally, I get it.
« on: June 13, 2005, 01:57:04 PM »
At last I see that I have been the scape goat in my family. I was a  painfully shy, shame filled, sad little thing because of what had happened to me. I suffered mercury poisoning from 'teething powders' and was in hospital for six weeks, where I believe I was emotionally damaged through being 'abandoned' and left to cry all day, then my mother (who is mildly schizophrenic) rejected me because I cried all of the time at home afterwards, due to the effects of the mercury. At six an uncle came along and picked me out of all the nieces to take advantage of my voiclessness and sexually abused me.

I grew up with others telling me what I was, as they tried to explain away my unhappiness, being an embarrassment and a betrayal of the happy family image.

I was nobody's child and grew up in utter confusion and despair.

36 years of abusive men followed who gave me no respect.

My family still tell me what I am. They tell me that the ME I say I have is either made up for attention or an exageration. They do not think that they should offer me support or help even though I have spent my life helping and supporting them.

I know that I have avoided intimacy, and have stuffed my feelings down all of my life. I know that I have indulged in compulsive behaviours like compulsive caretaking of others, compulsive independence, compulsive eating and fear of being left alone.

But now a veil has been lifted and the compulsive behaviours have vanished overnight. I did not have to work out bounderies as they have just appreared.

I am keeping my family at arms length but speaking to them on the telephone if they ring. I am protecting myself now by not disclosing things to them that I wish to keep to myself, like, I am no longer looking for love and acceptance from them. I have found me at last after a year on my own, and a couple of healthy budding friendships who are showing me the respect I have never known.

I feel that I am being built up day by day, and the change is happening quickly. I no longer care what my family think of me. I have stepped outside of their dysfunction.

The light at the end of the tunnel is coming closer, and gathering speed.
The good life is within my grasp.

I do not feel angry with my family, just sad. It happens and I know that I am not the only one. I believe that I will bebefit from what i have suffered in my life and that good things are for me too. Maybe I will train to be a counsellor (have started a course)

There is hope, thats what I want to say, to those who are still behind the veil. It takes courage to step out but it is worth it.


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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 02:18:20 PM »
Mati!!!! THANK YOU. I cannot tell you how empowering it is for me to hear about other people breaking through.
You are inspirational.  You have figured things out and are not stuck in bitterness.....the veil has indeed lifted.  I am soooo happy for you.
It can be done. You are proof.


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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 06:44:47 PM »
Congratulations, Mati. You'll make a great counselor. good luck with it.



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that's wonderful
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 11:14:16 PM »
I am protecting myself now by not disclosing things to them that I wish to keep to myself, like, I am no longer looking for love and acceptance from them. I have found me at last after a year on my own, and a couple of healthy budding friendships who are showing me the respect I have never known.

you are so right- seeking love or acceptance from people who are never going to give it has been a pattern for so many of us here.

Well done for breaking free.

You'll make a great empathetic counsellor.


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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 12:28:00 AM »
Congratulations on breaking through the barrier of darkness and moving toward the light.  It always feels so good to know that it can be done.  You are truly an inspiration.

I think you would make an outstanding counselor.  I wish you well on that journey as well as your journey to peace and happiness.



dim some

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Re: Finally, I get it.
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2005, 08:18:26 AM »
I was nobody's child and grew up in utter confusion and despair.

I know that I have avoided intimacy, and have stuffed my feelings down all of my life. I know that I have indulged in compulsive behaviours like compulsive caretaking of others, compulsive independence, compulsive eating and fear of being left alone.

But now a veil has been lifted and the compulsive behaviours have vanished overnight. I did not have to work out bounderies as they have just appreared.

I find this very interesting and powerful.  Most of us here have probably felt those feelings of avoided intimacy and compulsive behaviors. It seems to me that you have discovered the "key" to what has driven you in the past and can now drive your future. Now, the effect and direction can be your own.

Boundaries just appearing is enlightening and I think it's wonderful that you were open and took notice of all of it.  I guess this is how healing the feeling works.   Your post is encouraging for all of us. Thanks and good luck.


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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2005, 10:04:08 AM »
Dear Mati:

Fantastic!!  That is soooo wonderful!!!  I'm soo happy for you and for all you are experiencing!!  It's like a great metamorphasis eh?  Totally awsome to read your post of great inspiration and bravery!!

I no longer care what my family think of me. I have stepped outside of their dysfunction.

Praise of all praises!!!  This, imo, is the key!!  Who cares about their opinions of you or their dysfunction?  All of that belongs to them and good for you for giving them back their stuff!!

(((((((((((Mati)))))))))))) :D  :D  :D



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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2005, 10:25:50 AM »
Thanks you guys for all the great support and for saying that you think I will make a great counsellor.  :D  I would like to give something back for the help I received in counselling. It is just so amazing what it can do, if it is at the right time and you get the right person. Also the group I am in, for the divorced has been great even though there are only three of us. It is a caring environment anmd telling my story to a group was so empowering when they showed me they cared.


Yes it is the key, and it happened suddenly this week when I was left out of a family get together on purpose not by being overlooked. I was crushed for a day but then something rose up in me and I knew that I had taken my power back from them but there was no bitterness there, just a relief that I do not have to live my life  being downtrodden by them any more and that I am fortunate to have found a way out of it all. My n husband was a godsend in that way. The only way is up.

dim some

Yes the boundaries just appeared and I will no longer be under compulsion to self disclose when it is not approriate and I will never be compliant again with my family.  I am not in their orbit any more and what they do or say now will pass me by. They are damaged people and I am just so grateful that I got out of it and saw the 'light'. I just feel so liberated after last week when I was not invited to what will probably be the last family get together for my mothers birthday as she is very frail now. They said in my group today that my eyes look different.

Some of the growth has been taking place over the last few months through counselling, and the compulsive eating stopped, but a big step happened this last few days.

I thin having a few people in my life now that care and give me respect have had a lot to do with it. And also because a few weeks ago I faced what I feared most, that is, being alone. My whole life and the people I got to think of as friends were all part of my dysfunction, and I had to move on from it, and it was scary at first but I had built up enough strength inside to see it through. It is still scary as the people i see will not be there a lot of the time as the relationships are pretty new and need time to grow. My counsellors will not be there every week, but you know, if we take that step out in faith that we can do it, then I think that the sttrength comes.

I am still a long way from being fully healthy but each step forward makes it seem more possible. Thanks for your kind words.



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Finally, I get it.
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2005, 10:45:14 AM »
Thanks for sharing Mati!

You are inspiring!  Keep going!!  You'll get there!!
