Author Topic: IMAGINE  (Read 2077 times)


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« on: June 10, 2005, 12:04:54 AM »
Several years ago I experienced what I can only call a "Transcendent experience". I had bought a CD containing tuning fork tones that were sold as a way of tuning one's Chakras. The producer of the CD was an acoustics expert. For several days I would utilize the sounds to relax before going to sleep. Around the third day of doing this, something shifted in me. For the next 36 hours, nothing could negatively affect me. I was in my own little bubble of bliss. People who were around me said that they sensed that there was something different about me. They wanted it, whatever it was. Eventually, I returned to my regular equilibrium and to this day, I have never experienced this sense of general well-being again. I knew instinctively that somehow I lost it due to my own negativity. Today, I have all the pieces, and I wish to impart my insights.

Over the past month, I have been under the tutelage of a psychologist who specializes in hypnosis training and therapy. I have also been studying the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming. I have been searching for so long for a missing piece, and I believe that I now have it.

As stated in the movie,"what the Bleep", the reason affirmations do not always work is because the affirmation is nothing but a thin veneer that merely covers the negative baggage. The truth of hypnosis is given to us by what is called Le Cron's Dictum and simply states, "All hypnosis is self-hypnosis".

My insight is this: Imagine what you want. Not what you don't want. We all have an internal dialogue. Most if not all is negative. This is a low energy state. The universe brings us more when we send this level of energy. Affirmations do not work unless they change our energy level. A good hypnotist will always try to get us to feel what we want. It is about shutting off the negative internal dialogue and replacing it with a mantra such as, "Every day, in every way, my life is NOW better and better". When this replaces the internal dialogue that is negative, a new habit is created. A habit that raises our energy level and attracts more and more of like energy. After all, we create with our imaginations. Remember, it is not enough to think about positives. One must imagine it and experience the feelings, the emotions. This creates the magic. I know it sounds trite. There may be no greater truth though.

One other thing, when I experienced that 36 hour state, when I was at total peace, it was because my internal dialogue was totally shut down. It seems that I was vibrating at such a high level, there was absolutely no place for it in my reality, at that time. Something to consider...

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2005, 11:06:51 AM »
Hiya Phillip:

After all, we create with our imaginations. Remember, it is not enough to think about positives. One must imagine it and experience the feelings, the emotions. This creates the magic. I know it sounds trite. There may be no greater truth though.

Great stuff Phillip!  Thanks for sharing.  You've put it into words so clearly and taken something that seems magical and made it more concrete.

Do you still have that tape with the tuning fork tones?  Can I have a copy please???? :D



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« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2005, 11:12:06 AM »
If you are serious, I can give you an outlet where you can purchase it.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2005, 11:20:14 AM »
Sure am!  And Thanks!!



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« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 12:29:03 PM »
Hi, Phillip.  Glad (as always) to see you here!
You have a beautiful way of summarizing your thoughts and those of others.  Thank you for doing that.

Wayne Dyer talks about higher and lower vibrations extensively.  This is what my own mentor has been helping me to understand as well.
I keep seeing this idea in sooo many places, I just wonder if the time has come for us to wake up, en masse, to this.

It is not so different from what I learned as a child, or at least what I was  able to boil down to, out of the messy stew of organized religion.  I think prayer is this higher vibration, and I guess that's why I don't understand the "threat" some people feel from such a discussion.  It's just semantics.

Anyway, lately I have been not only practicing my releasing of negative energy (the lower) (which as an extremely sentient person I sponge up all the time) and refocusing on what I want (the higher) but I have added a visualization of the energy vibrations that go with whatever I happen to be focusing on.  
Am I low, am I high?  It's not so different that just saying those things without the "vibration" of energy attached!

It's no surprise why hell and the devil are imagined as "under, beneath, below...low, trapped" and heaven and god and angels are "higher up, uplifting, free flying".  (personally, I believe either one is right here, on our hearts and minds....but that might be another discussion!)

The connections amaze me, and for a kid who grew up in a very spiritual family, yet where many of us are "recovering" is such balm to my inner child to know that my parent's intents were not so far off from what I know now to be higher and loving (Catholic church and all).
Actually, I knew what thier intent was.....just had to drop a lot of dogma in the process of finding out "truth" for me.


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« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2005, 12:12:51 AM »
This is the website that has the tuning fork sounds.  the name of the cd is calendula.  Make no mistake.  It is not music.  it is sound therapy.  good luck.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2005, 08:35:22 AM »
Hey thanks Phillip!

Calendula!!  Perfect!!  I have tons of them in my garden!  (Used to call them "Iowas" because I brought home a flower head gone to seed, when I visited there, because I loved them soooo much!   Anyway....digressing...sorry).

I'm gonna check it out.  I know it's not music but it sounds like a very interesting cd, especially to use with visualization, and I can't see how it would hurt, at the very least.

Take care Phillip!  You belong here!!  Thanks for this thread!!