Hmm. This is a tough one. Pride equates to arrogance, even when it doesn't, so I will have to cope with feelings of guilt and arrogance while doing this one.
I am very proud of my daughter. She is her own person, and doesn't get pushed around by anyone. On the other hand, when I put my foot down, as at present with teaching her the ancient art of washing up she doesn't argue.
I am also proud of my goddaughter, who is less to my credit, but nonetheless an important part of my life, and I would hope that I am an important part of hers. And my nephews are very close to my heart as well. They are lovely little boys.
What else? Well, I have a nice house, and a nice garden, and a car that goes, even if it is very old. And I am still here, and still strong. (ish). And I seem not to care who I fight, or who is on the opposite side. Bring them on!!! (Except afterwards I go to pieces, but they never see that bit.)
I don't have hundreds of friends, but the few I have who keep in touch are lovely people. Perhaps one of the worst aspects of depression is that we never see quite how good our friends are, because we are always looking for what is missing. But my friends are very special.