Hi guys and gals! Man, I bet this thread will generate some doozies!! I have a few- from my ex n partner and my N mother. My father had a heart attack at home and collapsed on the basement floor. He weakly called my mother- who was nattering on about things he " hadn't done" and had no idea what happened. She must have stopped to take a breath! and heard my dad weakly calling out. He told her he was having a heart attack. she promptly got very annoyed- this was cutting into her day and plans of course!. Instead of calling ambulance, she phoned family GP and had a long pleasant social chat with the receptionist whom she knew for years. When finally asked why she was calling, she said" Oh for God's sake, K. thinks he's having a heart attack and that's just great considering my bridge group starts in 20 minutes". The receptionist couldn't get her to hang up so she ended up calling 911. When ambulance arrived, mom wouldn't answer the door because she didn't have her make up on!!!Miraculously, my father survived!! Another example- my ex N partner used to regualrly call my shrink everytime I confronted- oops (" accused" him wrongly...of course!!) about his lies. He'd leave messages for my shrink saying" I'm really worried about Moira...she's not well. she's psychotic and delusional..she's always accusing me of things I'm clearly not doing and even when I " prove" to her she's wrong, she lies...she's not sleeping and has lost alot of weight...I think she's punishing me for her perception I'm screwing up...she needs to be in hospital"...Hilarious!!! He also recently- kicked him out a month ago- left me a message calling me a lying cruel bitch and in the next breath, all Mr Nice Guy...he was telling me " he really loved me...I'M not angry because of YOUR behaviour.. and by the way, I just won 2 free tickets to Sarah McLaughlin, so I'll be by at 7 to pick you up". Sorry for being long winded- one final example from my N sister and her N daughter. When my dad died, I went home for funeral. During the wake, my N neice sailed in, grabbed my hand to inspect my engagement ring, commented on how "small the stone is", and said she had no intention of staying for the service " because I don't do funerals and besides I haven't had a weekend alone with my boyfriend in months so we're off to the cottage...oh, do you think I can live in Gramps' house now that he's dead and have his car?". Of course her N mother thought all this was perfectly reasonable and started telling people why her daughter couldn't possibly come to service and it wasn't until everyone looked at her like she was an alien and gave her shit that she stopped telling people. She didn't have a clue of course why people would react with disgust to this, she merely learned not to tell anyone else. She said to me several times she was totally baffled why these people weren't " understanding and respectful about her poor daughter's wishes and her need to see her boyfriend...poor kids"!!! I look forward to others' comments and stories- there's always black humour galore in these stories- for those of us who have N experience. When I first was old enough to start sharing some of my N family's stories with " normal" people, I was shocked to learn that the rest of the world didn't operate that way and for the longest time I was confused at people's shocked reactions.