This is an essential question for me.
Somewhere along the line in my life, I gave up my seniority over myself. I gave other people's opinions much more weight than my own. I know this came from a combination of religious dogma, birth order, experience, etc....but regardless of where it was formed, healing only began for me, when I realized I needed to OWN myself.
fashionable New Age pop psych stuff that preaches about massive 'personal power' and how we 'choose our all of our experiences'.
I don't worry that I will suddenly become a selfish person if I say "my own power" or something to that effect. I realize that being self serving has never been my's been overly OTHER serving that has.
So comments like "self-serving, new agey" do not pertain to me, but I can see where I have to watch my tendency to feel bad when someone says that...... THAT is exactly the problem I am overcoming.
The second I would speak up for myself, someone who didn't want me to have a voice would only have to call me selfish, for me to instantly doubt and undermine my own voice.....thus, give away my power again.
I am not a selfish, prideful soul. I never will be, and "owning" my own power, is only threatening to those people in my life who think they need to "control" me to feel powerful themselves. It's not about "power" in lieu of caring about others. Not at all. It's about knowing that the only TRUE loving starts with truely loving and accepting yourself.
No N in the world would think this deeply about this subject. They do not love themselves. Or anyone. They cannot really love and they feel powerless, which is why they are so sick and wish to control everyone else.
I am no longer so self doubting, that I will allow everyone else's opinions, advice, commentary, thoughts, etc, to rule my own good,honest and loving intention. my personal power.