There is so much good stuff here, I dont know where to begin or how to respond! I am overwhelmed.... Hmmmm.
Wow, you put it so succinctly. I get caught up in that probably in every relationship I have. Thanks for laying it out so clearly, it will help me and others I am sure, to stop myself whenever I am setting up this game. NOBODY OWES ME ANYTHING, I think is a good standard to live by. I get to choose whether to love or care if I want and to expect nothing in return. That is tough, but so crucial, I see. Of course, all the manipulating stems from.. no one is going to love me for me, no one is going to love me if I dont manipulate them to. Yeah, it's time to find out. Scary, but time.
And by the way, my friend Mike called from where out of state, things are moving along with his divorce.. and it seemed like I was talking to a different person! The old him is back

So I think it was the stress of the divorce. That was nice to get my friend back. Not to base my life on him or anyone, but it was nice to see my instincts were right and nice to have my dear friend back.
Unlucky Ducky,
Yes, I am sure there are churches that promote self empowerment etc. and AA is an awesome program, I didnt realize it was christian based. I just have a yucky history, like Mum! And even though you were shaking after speaking up, I still hope it felt empowering to do that?!?! It has when I have. I confronted my dad about the sexual abuse and I was shaking too, dizzy, etc. But oh my God, my life changed forever.
Wow! We are so similar. Yeah, that church thing! Yuck! I am so glad I got it EXACTLY! Thanks!!! IT felt good to "speak" that out loud here, man. It is such a male chauvinistic society, most christianity that I have experienced. Us little women need to lean on our strong man. What would us helpless folk do without them?!?! If you are hearing a little rage there, you are right!
ANd I have heard of that book, THe Secret of the Shadow! I will have to add that to my long list of to do's! And yes, I was a sensitive child. Of course!!! You too!!! The story or my life... "you are just too sensitive." Please! The world should be more sensitive! I am on a roll now.
Okay, I better stop while I am ahead... I am having a really good day. All to myself, getting alot done in my apt. and having some quality time with myself