Author Topic: one night stands  (Read 15136 times)


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one night stands
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2005, 02:04:36 AM »
Brigit - Here is my last pitch in favor of Ballroom Dance.
It is said that dance is,"The vertical expression of a horizontal desire."
So if any of you need some motivation to avoid one nighters and stay vertical, go dancing!

In respect of 'Curling" - huh!!  So you chuck a bloody big rock onto some ice and watch it slide away and clean up after it with a broom?
I get the part about the party afterward but why do you need to do the rock thing first?

Excuse me I gotta go fall off my surf board now.




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« Reply #76 on: June 26, 2005, 04:33:38 AM »
Ooops! Sorry about my spelling of your name with a 'T' at the end -

 BrigiD -  BrigiD ----- ( he gets a detention and writes it 100 times on whiteboard after school)


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« Reply #77 on: June 26, 2005, 07:07:52 AM »
Oh dear, step forward the splintered ass brigade  :lol:

Mudpup were you sucking a lemon when writing your last post.....or would that best descibe your personality? Right from the get go, you refered to me as an 'idiot' in one of your earlier opening salvoes and as I've read more of your posts on this subject, I see that you sit on the right of Ghengis Khan in you views. To say that you swing from one extreme to another.....would be a slight understatement.

Reading between the lines of what you wrote, you must have suffered as a person as you a naturally narrow minded with your views on: men, sex, religion....etc. Are you working thru these issues.....and could I perhaps help you a little with them? Is there anything I could do to relieve your pain? It would perhaps do you some good to relax a little and calm down.....take a chill pill.

Praise be The Lord, Alla is great.....and so on to all the other God like contestants.....


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« Reply #78 on: June 26, 2005, 10:44:14 AM »

What is going on? Right, mudpup should not refer to you as an idiot. But you've sunk to an even lower level. You aren't doing yourself or anyone a favor by insulting people. I'm sure you'll target me now but I can take it. However I hope you'll reconsider and realize that your views are okay and so are those of others, even Christians or whatever. No one is asking you to believe in anything. I'm Jewish for Christ's sake (joke)



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« Reply #79 on: June 26, 2005, 11:23:59 AM »

For a guy whose original post talked about how at peace you are with your life, you sure do have a short fuse.

I love my kids and they're free. Free to live their lives as they see fit.

When I hear this, I hear a parent who doesn't want to do their job.  Teenagers need rules more than anyone and parents are suppose to be the ones to impart and enforce those rules.  Take it from someone whose parents didn't care enough to impose rules--you end up making some very stupid mistakes that perhaps wouldn't have been made if my parents had actually bothered to take the time to be aware of my life.

Teens argue against rules, curfews, guidelines or anything that keeps them from doing exactly what they want to do.  But later on they figure out that you loved them enough to make those rules to keep them safe and healthy and they will eventually thank you for that.  My guess is that your daughters might end up being very different parents than the example that was set for them.

Just my 2 cents.



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« Reply #80 on: June 26, 2005, 12:02:41 PM »
I'm Jewish for Christ's sake (joke)

very funny, BTW.
Off subject:
 Bunny, so this must be why my fiance and you are on the same page so often!! (he's Jewish, too).
Carry on.


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one night stands
« Reply #81 on: June 26, 2005, 12:49:40 PM »

How can you take a sentence or two written me and turn it into a parental catastrophe? If someone made a comment about nothing.....would you equally be convinced enough to phone the police because you thought a murder was going to be committed? Tell me brigid, can you see into the future.....? Please enlighten me with you special powers and gifts!


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« Reply #82 on: June 26, 2005, 12:57:45 PM »
Hi All,

Resolution wrote,
Right from the get go, you refered to me as an 'idiot' in one of your earlier opening salvoes

This is my 'opening salvo' :? ,
Second, this idea that there is some pool of safe, normal people to routinely engage in one night stands with, I find close to idiotic.

Where do I refer to Resolution, or anyone for that matter, as 'an idiot'? I state that AN IDEA is close to idiotic, not a person. Unlike Resolution's, my post was not personal at all.
At least a half dozen people had posted prior to mine, so why do you assume I'm even referring to your post anyway?
I see that you sit on the right of Ghengis Khan in you views......It would perhaps do you some good to relax a little and calm down.....take a chill pill.

I'll leave it to others to decide who sounds more intolerant and Mongol like here, and who exactly needs to relax.
Are you working thru these issues.....and could I perhaps help you a little with them?

You're in over your head sonny.
Condescension is so charming. Is this how you charm your one night stands? Oh wait a minute you said you're celibate. I wonder if that's by choice. :?

So lets see, you're apparently divorced and celibate, while I'm happily married and have a very enjoyable sex life. Hmmm, I wonder who's approach to this subject seems to be working on a personal level. :?

The title of your first post here was 'Once an Angry Man'. I suggest people go back and read it, with all its universal peace and love incantations, to see if it squares with what you're writing now. You seem to be 'Still an Angry Man'.

Resolution wrote,
Treat others as you would a least be expected to be treated. Walk away from all else.

Too bad you can't follow your own advice, but I will.
Good by, my angry friend.


mum as guest

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« Reply #83 on: June 26, 2005, 01:37:05 PM »
How can you take a sentence or two written me and turn it into a parental catastrophe?

Resolution, do you see similarities of this (above)  to what you are doing?
I can see you are very upset.  I hope you do find resolution soon.
Take care and best wishes.


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« Reply #84 on: June 26, 2005, 04:08:56 PM »
This is sooooooo much fun on a Sunday........way toooo much :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Contradiction after contradiction, you tell me what you're not goint to do......then go straight ahead with exactly what you said you wouldn't..... I'm going to leave this one alone as it's become as much use as a broken pencil.....pointless  :D

Dr. Richard Grossman

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« Reply #85 on: June 26, 2005, 04:12:30 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm locking this thread because I believe everyone has had their say on the topic.
