Hi all:
Hey Brigid! Do you think so? John in the bush? Sounding like a moose?
Hope I didn't hurt his feelings too badly with that Dear John letter (sorry John.....etc).
Re: Bats. They don't freak me out at all. I think they're cool.

I grew up, standing on a dock, a lot of the time during the summer evenings, holding a fishing rod and watching the bats. They would fly pretty close to me, sometimes too. I just thought they were curious. I can imagine what they were saying:
Bat1: "What's that idiot doing?"
Bat2: "Beats me. She must be getting eaten alive by the mosquitos."
Bat1: "Ya and what's that long thing she's holding for I wonder?"
Bat2: "You got me. Maybe it's for swatting mosquitos or something. Wait! I'll swoop by and find out!"
Bats supposedly have an amazing communication system that we humans have yet to unravel (other than it is thought that they send out some kind of sound waves, that bounce off of stuff supposedly to avoid running into it....since they're blind).
I say, a creature that blind, that can swoop that close to me, without running into me, and knocking me off the dock into the water, all while eating massive amounts of insects, is ok, even cool, in my book. But I'm pretty weird I guess.
Hiya Butterfly:
I was thinking about something like that last night. Imagine me....who faced attackers........a number of times in my life, and survived....being afraid of.........an insect.

Not going to do it.

Ya'll are helping me to focus.

Yes..........I could do an evil eye thing, if necessary. I like the idea too. I will first, though, stick with........ignoring the buzzing, if I possibly can do that and if I must respond, I think I'll try to say things that were suggested by Plucky, and if that doesn't seem to be computing....maybe the odd........expressive look might suffice, as I excuse myself asap.
I was feeling like a scared little lamb yesterday but today I'm feeling more like a bat!! I can and will eat that insect with my eyes, if I must.
I don't intend to get bitten, that's for sure!
I intend, as Mum reminds me, to focus on my daughter. That is what I'll be there for and no pesky, little irritating bug is going to make me itch!
Thanks again all!
Oh........and what Bunny said:
Hey, Bunny....will you come to my daughter's graduation with me please?
And you too Brigid and Plucky and Butterfly and Mum and whoever I've missed?
I'm going to bring my army with me in my head. I can imagine you all there, covered in fly dope, standing around me, with fly swatters!!
Thanks Bunny! I won't be there alone at all!