I finally got my first reliable vehicle since I've been married. This is my own car and is big enough for another big puppy.

Yesterday I went to church on my own. I haven't been in ages because of many things but number one was reliable transportation. I hadn't been to that church in 1.5 years. I left because I needed to write my books.
I did have a strange dream in the morning just before I woke up. It was about going to a church which was a small chapel in the woods near a lake. Behind the chapel a new path had been made to the lake. The path was lined with beautiful flowers and near young fir trees. The path was made of a white rock which sparkled in the sunlight.
Inside the chapel were all my former pastors which I had liked. We all sat around reminiscing about the past. Then I finally said I needed to move onto something new. I said good-bye to each of them and walked out the back door onto the new sparkling white path.
When I answered one of the questions in the book
When Hope Can Kill, I realized that my true self's symbol is a river tumbling over rocks and boulders. In my dream I can hear that river.
At first I thought this dream was about going back to the church I had left. However now I believe it is about going to a different church. I shall know for sure in the coming weeks. I am definitely going to trust my intuition on this and see where this leads me.