Author Topic: suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...  (Read 2608 times)


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« on: June 27, 2005, 07:49:47 PM »
well i gonna paste some of it in
..and can anyone guess which site for naricissists this is




I hate to see this forum still empty, but for the life of me I can't think of anyone to apologize to. Not that I've never hurt anyone or done anything that I needed to apologize for, but I apologize very easily. I seem to apologize for breathing too loud sometimes.

So, I'm going to apologize to myself for all the times I've let myself down in the past and to promise to do better by ME.

I'm apologizing for not listening to my needs and for thinking my wants were not important. I apologize for feeling guilty when I spent money on myself, as if I wasn't worth it. I apologize for not taking nice vacations. In fact, I apologize for thinking I didn't need a vacation most years. I apologize for the years I allowed myself to stay in an abusive marriage, and I apologize for taking the blame for staying and beating myself up over it. I apologize for all the tears I cried in my liftime and not knowing how to console myself or be kind to myself. I apologize for all the times I thought fun was meant for other people. I apologize for thinking I wasn't loveable because someone didn't love me.

Most of all I apologize for not getting to know myself and I plan to do something about that, starting today.




I hate to see this forum still empty, but for the life of me I can't think of anyone to apologize to. Not that I've never hurt anyone or done anything that I needed to apologize for, but I apologize very easily. I seem to apologize for breathing too loud sometimes.

So, I'm going to apologize to myself for all the times I've let myself down in the past and to promise to do better by ME.

I'm apologizing for not listening to my needs and for thinking my wants were not important. I apologize for feeling guilty when I spent money on myself, as if I wasn't worth it. I apologize for not taking nice vacations. In fact, I apologize for thinking I didn't need a vacation most years. I apologize for the years I allowed myself to stay in an abusive marriage, and I apologize for taking the blame for staying and beating myself up over it. I apologize for all the tears I cried in my liftime and not knowing how to console myself or be kind to myself. I apologize for all the times I thought fun was meant for other people. I apologize for thinking I wasn't loveable because someone didn't love me.

Most of all I apologize for not getting to know myself and I plan to do something about that, starting today.


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2005, 07:52:43 PM »
This forum has been created at the request of our community members and is what might be called a beta testing period.  The primary purpose of this forum is to allow a safe place for community members to apologize to people we have harmed and for various reasons are not available for us to make a real world apology. Another acceptable use is to work on developing an apology that we might be able to give to another person in a real world format. This forum is NOT intended to take the place of real world apologies if you have done harm to another person. You should not post in this forum thinking with the intention that another person will suddenly be inclined to extend you forgiveness simply because of this anonymous effort.

We ask that members using this forum indicate if they would like feedback or comments from the other members. If you do not wish such feedback one of the moderators will lock your thread once they come to it and willdelete any comments that have been offered against your wishes.

Please be respectful of other people and do not include names or other identifying information that could be harmful to them. The moderators will use their discretion in editing out any information in these forums which identifies a person who has been harmed by your actions.

You do not have to identify yourself in this forum unless you feel strongly there is some reason to do so. Please understand that in some circumstances it might be in the best interest of the person(s) you have harmed that you do not identify yourself.

We understand that making apologies can be difficult for anyone and seemingly more so for those of us who suffer from NPD. It is our sincere desire that our members find some real benefit to this forum and are able to put these skills into real world practice.


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2005, 08:01:25 PM »
so from the same site....
what was come as to improve the understanding

Netiquette for the Healing Narcissism and Disorders of the Self community

Dear members and guests

Thank you for your interest in participating in our support community. Experience has shown us that the deep wounds associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) brings forth very intense emotions, misunderstandings, and other damaging forms of interaction. Some of these feelings are deeply seated as a result of how persons with these disorders are treated in various other online communities discussing NPD. In an effort to be respectful of others in their pain and efforts at recovery we have developed a new paradigm of discussing this those affected by this disorder. We have learned that new members and guests coming into our community from another online NPD location often unintentionally step on toes of our members, which results in periods of confrontation, hurt feelings and anger that could have been avoided had we been clearer about how we communicate with each other in this community. So rather than expecting people to read our minds, or search through thousands of messages searching for precedent we have decided to offer a brief explanation of the netiquette that has become pretty well accepted within our community. Please save yourself and others unnecessary stress and hassle by taking a moment of your time to read and follow these suggestions.

1. In referring to people with NPD we have learned that the Internet standard of referring to people as N’s is offensive because of what it has come to mean in those other communities. Therefore, we have adopted a practice of referring to people with NPD as NPDers, a person suffering from NPD, or some variation consistent with these examples.

2. If you are talking about experiences with a person in your life who may be NPD please stay away from referring to him/her as “my NPDer”. Such references give the impression of thinking as people as possessions such as a dog or cat. Remember that NPD is about what a person may be suffering from and is not their identity. Please make the extra effort to refer to people as my husband, wife, child, boss, co-worker, or whatever the case may be.

3. Please refrain from references and suggestions that all NPDers do or don’t behave in a certain way. Few things start a cat fight faster than suggesting that all people with this disorder do or don’t conform to one behavior or another. Questions or comments should be asked in such a way that you are wondering if its possible that someone with this disorder might behave in a certain way, rather than implying that you are all referring to all NPDers. ( i.e. My husband expects rewards for performing household chores such as mowing the lawn or cleaning the garage. Is this something that people have experienced in dealing with this disorder? )

4. Please speak for yourself rather than assuming you know how another person would respond in a given circumstance. In others say something along the lines I believe my spouse would say “blah, blah, blah, and various other garbage”. Start sentences with I believe, I feel, I think, rather than My spouse would do this, that or the other thing.

5. Please avoid references to people with NPD being evil. There aren’t many things which are taboo in this community, but this is one as we are about healing the wounds and respecting humanity. If you cannot understand this than this is not the place for you. If this applies to you than give M. Scott Peck our warmest regards

Peace and happy trails

The Healing Narcissism and Disorders of the Self community


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 10:34:46 PM »
In referring to people with NPD we have learned that the Internet standard of referring to people as N’s is offensive because of what it has come to mean in those other communities. Therefore, we have adopted a practice of referring to people with NPD as NPDers, a person suffering from NPD, or some variation consistent with these examples

A narcissist suffer?   :lol:   My N mom is not suffering, she enjoys every minute of her N-ness.  

Please avoid references to people with NPD being evil.

Oh...but they are.


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 10:48:25 PM »


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2005, 06:22:13 AM »
I remember reading this one before, it was apparently written by the wife/ex-wife of a Narcissist who was trying to put her side of things to the support board, but people mistook it for being from a Narcissist, due to it being under the apologies thread. It was really just the lady apologising to herself for not caring for herself as she should have done instead of putting up with the abuse.

Hence this:
So, I'm going to apologize to myself for all the times I've let myself down in the past and to promise to do better by ME.

I'm apologizing for not listening to my needs and for thinking my wants were not important. I apologize for feeling guilty when I spent money on myself, as if I wasn't worth it. I apologize for not taking nice vacations. In fact, I apologize for thinking I didn't need a vacation most years. I apologize for the years I allowed myself to stay in an abusive marriage, and I apologize for taking the blame for staying and beating myself up over it. I apologize for all the tears I cried in my liftime and not knowing how to console myself or be kind to myself. I apologize for all the times I thought fun was meant for other people. I apologize for thinking I wasn't loveable because someone didn't love me.

Most of all I apologize for not getting to know myself and I plan to do something about that, starting today.


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2005, 07:33:09 AM »
Hi Gardener, thanks for making this thread seem a little clearer to me! I admit I was in the twilight zone before, didn't have a clue what was being said, asked or what. Like: "why is all this stuff being copied and posted? What the point, what's the objective??? :?  Do I care? :roll: "

I'm not much clearer now, but your post makes sense to me. Thanks for being straightforward and clear with your words :D


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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2005, 10:36:12 AM »
If some narcissists have their own board where they soothe themselves and tell others how to treat them, I respect their right to do so on that board. They aren't here, so live and let live. My opinion for what it's worth.


Dr. Richard Grossman

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suspect narcissists apology from a site for narcissists...
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2005, 11:15:31 AM »
I am locking this topic.  These quotes come from a support site for people with NPD.  Re-posting them here serves little purpose except to inflame and provoke.
