I remember reading this one before, it was apparently written by the wife/ex-wife of a Narcissist who was trying to put her side of things to the support board, but people mistook it for being from a Narcissist, due to it being under the apologies thread. It was really just the lady apologising to herself for not caring for herself as she should have done instead of putting up with the abuse.
Hence this:
So, I'm going to apologize to myself for all the times I've let myself down in the past and to promise to do better by ME.
I'm apologizing for not listening to my needs and for thinking my wants were not important. I apologize for feeling guilty when I spent money on myself, as if I wasn't worth it. I apologize for not taking nice vacations. In fact, I apologize for thinking I didn't need a vacation most years. I apologize for the years I allowed myself to stay in an abusive marriage, and I apologize for taking the blame for staying and beating myself up over it. I apologize for all the tears I cried in my liftime and not knowing how to console myself or be kind to myself. I apologize for all the times I thought fun was meant for other people. I apologize for thinking I wasn't loveable because someone didn't love me.
Most of all I apologize for not getting to know myself and I plan to do something about that, starting today.