Wandering with my son through the pet store yesterday, we witnessed the simplest and most perfect form of nurturing/parenting. After wishing to take home every dog in a cage, I called my son over to observe a mother rabbit and her young. As the small bunnies sat timidly in the cage, the mom slowly hopped over and gently licked (kissed) one of the bunnies between the ears. Then, the mom managed to tenderly slide herself down between her offspring and the edge of the cage . There she sat and there I stood. Watching her peacefully nestled up against her young, both rabbit and bunny looked forever content.
It immediately came to me. This is all a parent really needs to do---pure and simple. Even a N can do this...ya think? Maybe if any parent, including N and N victim, would just nurture a child instead of raise them, perhaps nature would take it's course and generations would improve? I have often wondered how the growing awareness of a N population can be healed effectively, around the globe. A creative life-plan is needed to help resolve such a huge dilema. Good therapy can work... but if a N won't go to therapy, then the responsibility falls only on their victims. How about this idea?...just food for thought.
We all know pets are therapeutic...but, given the respect they have earned, can they heal the world? I think a worldwide healing pet store chain needs to be developed...for this specific cause...PARENTAL TRAINING.
We can call it something like--- Virtue-All * Pet-Turn-All. The theme would be observation for practical training. (It's us humans that need the training, not the instictive animals)
Anyone want to go into business? I know I'm going to pay more attention as I practice this in my home. I think I'll document and observe the results. A little far-fetched and over-simplified for reality? But, what other way can one appeal to the masses about such a problem? Anything is worth a try. Comments welcome.