I too remember every time I mentioned I didn't feel well my mother would have a bigger, better story about her ailments and basically told me to get over mine, for they would never be as important as hers ...
This brought back several memories of my childhood where I was very ill and my Nmother wouldn't hear of it.
I could never understand the time I had an extremely painful earache and she insisted we all go to 4th of July fireworks. After all it was our family tradition. You did what mother said and wanted and you had a "good time" whether you really did or not. The memory of the that night is strong. The smell of the grass which was green that year. Normally it was brown and green by July. The smoke of the fireworks. The people all around us waiting for another blast in the sky. Each sparkling trail sent shivers down my spine as I waited for the possible next boom instead a beautiful, blooming, firework. When I saw it wasn't going to be a sparkle, I'd quickly cover my ears and it would be too late. I would scream out in pain.
My Nmother thought I was enjoying the fireworks. It wasn't until more than halfway through the evening, that she discovered my pain was real. And only when she looked in my ear to find blood there.

She half held me in her arms, angry that I was spoiling a good evening at the park.
I didn't see a doctor until the next day and by that time I was in severe pain.

My Nmother would do dangerous things with my ears too. Her favorite was cleaning my ears out with bobby pins. I didn't realize this was dangerous until I read about some other woman whose controlling mother did that to her. In my case it was "normal" - you know that setting on the dryer?

I accepted what my Nmother said was best because after all she knew what was "best" for me!
Another time I was quite ill with the flu in junior high school. My Nbrother and Nmother told me I was faking it. They teased and mocked my illness. Again my Nmother didn't believe my illness was real until she took my temperature, it was over 104 degrees F. Her remark, "well
may be you are sick." Years later I learned about the seriousness of my high fever.
A couple of weeks later my Nbrother got the same flu and she waited on him hand and foot, catering to his every need. If I tried to say anything about him faking it I got yelled at my Nmother and Nbrother.
And still another time I got the German Measles within 8 weeks of my H.S. graduation. My Nmother accused me of feigning illness to miss school because I most likely had a test. Of course I had tests, it was the end of the school year. She sent me to school with a sore throat, high fever and nausea. She never checked my temperature. By noon my Nmother was called to pick me up from the nursing office. I had a high temp, flushed face with spots on my chest and a severe sore throat. She was livid and seething with rage because I interrupted her soap operas and her life!

Then accused me of purposely catching G. Measles to cause her such inconveniences.
While weeks before that she actually encouraged me to "catch" it from a girlfriend so I wouldn't get it later on in life and kill my baby. sick, sick, sick