Hi Daylily,
I don't really have any advice for you, just my parallel experience. It seems we share similar insecurities...bottom line--what are they going to think about me? Better bottom line--why do I care what anyone thinks about me?...except me! (You're only forty...wait till fifty, like me) OK, here's my version of this same story. Maybe you will feel better as I share your concerns.
I enjoy helping in many volunteer situations. I noticed I would particiate as long as I didn't have to be in charge--what if I put my foot in my mouth and can't get it out?; if I don't commit to a position, I can't be poorly judged; what if they talk badly about my ideas behind my back?; etc. etc. So, I would carefully and voicelessly be ?invovled?, until I began to evolve.
As an overweight teen and adult, I was always told, " You have such a pretty face." To me, this always meant "Why are you fat...you could be beautiful?...I must be stupid and lazy, too." Daylily, notice I said
be beautiful, not
look beautiful. This meant, according to others, G-d gave me a gift but I am not beautiful where it counts. Where it was up to me, I couldn't perform...or at least that's how I silently convinced myself. I wasn't good enough to participate in group decisions because this was about my character. As a matter of fact, it still took me some time to post here for similar reasons, I'm guessing.
Several years ago while on the PTO board at my son's elementary school, I got brave with a fund raising idea. I created and marketed a school-wide program for endangered species. There was great support and excitement when presenting and implementing the idea. I felt stong and accepted in the company of our principals. As the donations flowed in, I felt a sense of accomplishment and intelligence... and I learned my lesson about my fear. It was only my fear. No one else knew about it, or could feel it or see it. It only took that first step to learn to walk through it.
But then at the next meeting, it happened. I overheard our principal whisper to the PTO VP, " She is so spirited." Of course, I clammed up and thought she must think I'm over-doing something...should I slow down, should I back-off, what now? Then it happened again. The principal complimented me when she addressed the board and asked if I had a career in marketing. But what pleased me most was when she offered to include the other 4 elementary schools participation in this wonderful opportunity. I made a difference that year...the school started their new playground and I started my new fear factor.
I think pretty or not, fat or not, afraid or not,--we all have something unique to add. That's what makes life interesting. It still takes me pushing myself, but only when I'm not completely confident about my stance on a particular matter. So, now I try to involve myself in those things I am passionate about. When I know how I feel about something, there is nothing to second-guess.
Well, I now know it's better to be in the game. Many successful people make mistakes and that's how they know what works. The difference is successful people do what no one else will do.
I applaud you for participating in the writing workshop. Celebrate your writing and yourself through this experience. The more you participate, the more opportunity you have for growth. You'll learn about your writing, yourself, and your new feelings. Go for it and enjoy it! Remember, you won't even have to see those people again if you don't want to...and maybe you will. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
ps. Your post gives me renewed bravery and encouragement, as I reminisce. And....
I find that I'm so self-conscious I can barely bring myself to attend. I find that I can't really stop myself thinking--
- You don't belong here.
- All the other participants are thinking how ugly you are.
- Just keep your mouth shut because anything you say will be stupid.
- These people are all more interesting than you are.
Daylily, You participate here and how is this different? We see people when we get to know them. I think you're interesting and beautiful.
What do you think about what I think?