In a moment of idleness I was reading threads from when I first came here, two years ago. One of them mentioned fantasy, and I thought I would write down my family's version of who we are.The heart of my family is my mother, who is a very loving, kindly woman, who would do anything for anyone and who has a very soft heart. She cannot bear to see anyone in distress, and is always there with a kind word of advice. She is a little 'highly strung' but that is only to be expected. She loves us all very much, and would do anything for any one of us. She trained as a nurse, and her knowledge of medicine is still extensive, and covers every area you care to mention. My mother lives for her grandchildren, and devotes every moment of her life to caring about them and for them, and taking an interest in their lives.
Second is my very hardworking dad. Retired now, but for all his life he worked immensely hard to support the family, and to make sure that I and my two brothers wanted for nothing. Dad's family prides itself on not having to say soppy stuff, because that is not what matters. Dad says that those who say it don't mean it; only those who don't say it are authentic in their feelings.
My brothers and I only have to hope to emulate these devoted parents, and follow their example in every way.
My grandparents were without exception saintly people, and an example to us all. The maternal grandparents were rather strange, but now they are dead we are too polite to mention that.
The paternal ones were perfect in every way. They taught us the family code of supporting one another, showing a united front to the world, of being strong enough for anything, and never feeling pain. Or anything else much. They taught us how to survive.
And then we all lived happily ever after.