Author Topic: Is N a loving father??  (Read 982 times)


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Is N a loving father??
« on: July 09, 2005, 07:20:08 PM »

The N I was involved with would talk about how he was a loving father.  How his kids would come fist.  How whoever he was with would have to respect the fact that his kids were important to him.  He has coached each one of them in a sport, but I ask, is this the behavior of a loving father?

He owed his ex a large amount of money in back child support.  They have joint custody and the kids reside with him during the summer months.  He told me he would give her sole custody of the kids if she would waive the back child support.  Isn't this basically anything for him to save a buck?  What father is going to sign over joint custody to not have to pay his ex some money?

He claimed to be without a job while his kids were living with him for the summer (in a nearby town) and was collecting unemployment.  He turned to his 9 year old girl and told her that if he didn’t’ find a job soon he didn’t know what would happen and would lose the house. Truth came out that he had a job for several months while he continued to collect unemployment.  Even if that were true, what parent would tell that to their child and scare them.  Well come to find out he had a job that he had been working at for months and still collecting unemployment but telling his kids he wasn’t working and NOT paying child support or paying very little.  When his ex and kids found out the truth, he said he didn’t’ tell the kids he had a job for several months because he didn’t know if it would pan out.

His divorce decree stated that he was to pay 25% of his base salary, bonuses and commissions as he is a salesman.  Recently he was caught not paying 25% of his commissions and bonuses, he only paid 25% of his base salary and hid the rest.

He is taking away from his kids and doing it on purpose and continues to get caught.  Now someone please tell me where is the respect for his kids in all of this, where is the loving father that he claims to be, because I don't see it.


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Re: Is N a loving father??
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 10:48:42 PM »
Obviously, it takes a lot more than money to be a good father.  If that's all there was to it, my x would be a great father as that is all he is choosing to do (or being forced by the courts to do) right now,  but he makes a lot of money and writing a monthly check is easy for him.  I think from everything you have said about your x bf, that he was lousy at all the roles he had--father, boyfriend, x-husband, employee, whatever.  I think you know the answer to your question without needing to ask it.  His claiming to be a good, caring father and demonstrating the opposite was just another one of the many red flags he sent up. 

A good father, whether the family is intact or not, is one who not only supports his children and their mother if necessary, financially, but also is actively involved in their lives if they are younger, or maintains a good supportive relationship if they are older.  I would never have a relationship with a man now who did not have a good relationship with his children--however that might manifest itself.  To me, that is the most important criteria as it relates to their character.



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Re: Is N a loving father??
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 08:29:19 AM »
but also is actively involved in their lives if they are younger, or maintains a good supportive relationship if they are older.  I would never have a relationship with a man now who did not have a good relationship with his children--however that might manifest itself.  To me, that is the most important criteria as it relates to their character.

You are so right.  When I filed for divorce, the "sperm donor" (sorry, I know that sounds very rude), immediately cut off communication with our children.  Why?!?!?!....