Hello Longtire,
A great web site for verbal abuse is
http://www.drirene.com or Dr. Irene. The lady has her act together. I learned how to start confronting my H on his behavior through her web site.
Here are the best books I have read:
Why Does He Do That?, Inside The Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft
This is one of THE best books I've ever read on abusers. It is mostly for the survivor/victim. It is written for women because more abusers are men. However it can be applied to any relationship. Lundy divides his abuser types into styles. BTW this is not where I found the 3 basic types. This book is on my top 10 list. Abusers are even familiar with Lundy and when the hear his name they cringe. Most abusers call Lundy a liar because the victims learn the truth and start taking back their lives. A very powerful book.
His styles are: The Demand Man; Mr. Right; The Water Torturer; The Drill Sargeant; Mr. Sensitive; The Player; Rambo; The Victim; The Terrorist; The Mentally Ill or Addicted Abuser. Lundy informs the reader which ones are the most dangerous. An abuser can be a combination of different styles. I found my H is a combo of about 3 but really fit squarely with Mr. Right.
The Batterer, A Psychological Profile by Donald G. Dutton, Ph.D. with Susan K. Golant
Although his book focuses on the Cyclical Batterer Dutton defines the three types.
1. Psychopathic Wife Assaulters No need for a description here.

2. Overcontrolled Wife Assaulters About 30% of abusers.
He describes them as distant from their feelings with a strong avoidance and passive-aggressive profile.
Their anger is usually a result of built-up frustration to an event.
3. Cyclical/Emotionally Volatile Wife Abusers
"they feel either abandonment or engulfment" around intimacy.
p53Ditch That Jerk, Dealing with Men Who Control and Hurt Women by Pamela Jayne, M.A.
"Why Some Men Change, Some Men Don't and How to Tell the Difference"
Her 3 types line up with Dutton's three. This is where I rated my H as a number 1.
1. The Potentially Good Man (Dutton's #2)
Need to be right;
A perfectionist;
Easily frustrated;
Thinks in black and white;
Feels overly responsible;
Dominates or Gives in plus more
2. The Definitely Bad Man (Dutton's #3)
Moody like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde;
Wants control (like all abusers do);
Feels vicitmized by the world;
May isolate his family and himself;
Uses alcohol or drugs;
Unrealistic expectations of relationships;
Chaos in many areas of his life plus more
3. The Utterly Hopeless Man (Dutton's #1)
Sociopathic or Psychopathic or N combo
Enough said.

Pamela's book is good too and is geared toward the victim discovering whether or not to stay in a relationship.
I recommend getting Lundy and Pamela books. I got a well rounded picture of my H's behavior from the two different views.