Author Topic: okay, I need a booster shot!  (Read 2219 times)


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okay, I need a booster shot!
« on: July 24, 2005, 09:26:31 PM »
Hi, everyone--

A few months ago I spent a lot of time on these boards and got a lot out of the experience.  I'm pregnant and ended up not visiting as much because I was getting ready for baby, and my family was being more bearable.

Well, now I'm in the third trimester and the Super Craziness is starting again.  I am really having stress about it because my folks will come for the baby's birth-- I'm on my own and really need the help and do not know how to refuse it anyway.  I think it's sweet they want to try to help.

But.  The last 5 conversations I've had with my mom she has harped on why the name I chose wasn't good.  This was my second name (I thought I was having a boy, turns out it's a girl) and the other one was magically awful, too.  She SAYS "well, you are the one who picks the name" but then gives lots of opinions about it.  What really burns me up is that I told her I hated when people had opinions about the name I chose, and tonight she reinterpreted this and said, "well, I'm just concerned.  You said other people had noticed, too."  Noticed what? "That there are problems with the name."  Now, NO ONE has said this.  People love the name.  A few have liked the middle name better (and rudely said so) but only a few, and they were rude.  And I told her I thought it was rude.  How amazing that is how she interpreted my previous comments.

So I am really wondering if the deluge is starting again.  They were on their best behavior.  Now I am wondering how to handle them being here.  What if they do things I seriously disagree with, dangerous things (e.g., letting her sleep on her stomach or something)?  What if every step of the way they critiicise every little thing?  What if they just full-on drive me nuts?  There is going to be an underlying subtext anyway, because they will feel like the experts because they will have done this parenting thing before and I will be secretly thinking that they were awful at it and have no authority at all.  I am sure any expression of love and attachment toward the baby will be interpreted as "spoiling" her, their favorite word.  Oh, man, I'm getting angry just thinking about it.

Is there some way to manipulate them to stay out of my way?  I am not sure a straight-ahead conversation will work-- they do not seem able to have those.  Everything just makes them defensive, angry, and hurt-- and their reactions are usually so crazy it's scary.  So, manipulation may be the only way.  Or maybe there is a way for me to completely withdraw from what they say.  This may be tough when I am post-partum nutsy myself.

thanks for listening.  Now I'm going to go a-readin' and see what you guys have been up to.



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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2005, 09:28:29 PM »
Oh, my, I just got an e-mail apology from my mom about the name thing!  Wow. I guess my firmness on the phone did help.  I told her please not to worry herself about the name because that was the name.  No sense thinking about it.  Somehow that worked...? 

But I still need feedback-- this will definitely happen again.

miss piggy

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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2005, 11:58:21 PM »
Hi Vunil,

I am rather new to the board and your post struck a chord with me.  I hope you don't mind a reply from a newbie who may have missed any other posts on your baby's arrival.  It sounds like this is your first?

It's my observation that when there is a new addition to an N circle that is not of the N's choosing, they get a little flipped out.  This could be a marriage or a birth or hey, just a friend their child made at school!  I also observe that Ns consider babies/children major competition for attention.  I hope it helps you just to know that for a fact.

Something I have noticed in my own family growing up is that if I tell a family member my plans ahead of time, they second guess the poo poo out of it.  Now if they ask about something I am thinking over, I just say, I'm still thinking it over without giving specifics.  And tell them after the fact what I have decided.  This helps with my own self-doubt issue.

Well, you are in for an increase of drama simply because when the baby is born, you are going to have a major hormonal upheaval.  Allow yourself that and don't get blindsided by it.  It will happen.  Your Ns will just have to deal.  I'm not even going to tell you not to take anything they say personally because it's impossible when you are postpartum.  Maybe just write those nasty thoughts down and look at them three months later, so you can rip them up or burn them in the fireplace.

Good luck to you.  Best wishes for a happy and healthy baby!  MP


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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2005, 12:56:13 AM »
Congrats on having a little girl.  I'm glad things are going well with the baby, at least.

My parents came to "help" after my son was born, but my mother was basically "helpless" and my father non-existent (sitting at a bar somewhere, I'm sure).  Yes, you will be a little crazed, but also very tired and susceptible to mood swings.  If I were you, I would try to figure out now what help I might need after the baby comes--not always easy to do if its the first one, but you have some sense of what her needs will be--then make a list and make assignments.  Its better to prepare and be organized while still in mostly your right mind and thinking clearly.  Decide now how you feel about parenting, spoiling, picking up when crying, sleeping arrangements (does the baby sleep in the room with you or in her room), getting her on a schedule for sleeping and eating (really critical in my book), etc., etc., write it all down and hand it to them when they arrive.  This is your child and even though you appreciate the help they are offering, it is just that--help--not a lifetime of parenting the child, and you must decide how you want to do the job.  Give them specific things to do, i.e. grocery shopping, making up bottles if applicable, doing laundry, fixing some meals that can be frozen and used in the future--all things that will free you up to just spend time with your new daughter and create that bond.  Certainly they will want to spend some time with her too, but insist that they wait until you are tired and need a rest and then they can take over for awhile.

These are just some suggestions and how I would do it if I had to do it again.  Hopefully, my next role will be that helping grandmother so I need to start practicing.  :D  You have so much to look forward to.  Enjoy every minute. 

Good luck and God bless,



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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2005, 04:14:55 AM »
I agree with Brigid - give them specific tasks to do. Be very firm about what you want them to do and very, very firm on what you DO NOT want them to do. If possible, try and do as much of this as possible before your beautiful baby arrives. When the hormones and sleepless nights do their thing it can be very hard to be firm about anything. Worst case scenario of doing it alone may not be as bad as you imagine. Especially if their help is going to be too much. I am doing it alone and so far seem to be coping. The good thing is only having to worry about yourself and your baby - you don't even have to make conversation if you don't want to! this is my third baby, and the only time I've done it alone and yet I seem to be coping okay so far.

I hope it goes okay and your family are there for YOU, not for themselves. If you want any help or advice on baby things, or just a chat etc then feel free to PM me or yahoo etc. Good luck!


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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2005, 06:16:42 AM »
Hiya Vunil, good to see you again and glad to hear you’re both doing okay.

I know a baby who cries when she sees her grandmother, let alone gets held by her. Consequently her mother makes sure the baby is never alone with that grandma. It’s just how it is and baby comes first.

Babies know what’s good for them and when they’re very young, it is impossible to ‘spoil’ them. Babies don’t work like that. They want what they want and they know when someone is bad for them (or bad for you, they know what mum is feeling too).

No doubt your baby will do the same with you. Best listen to her honest reactions and not your mom! Very best wishes. P


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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2005, 08:16:42 AM »
Hey, Vunil.  I haven't been around....glad to see you posting.  The home stretch of pregnancy is hard enough, never mind having to deal with selfish relatives.. uggh. 
I come from a large family (there are 22 grandchildren and 4 greats by now) and we have a policy of never telling anyone our possible baby names before the birth.  If someone wants to be rude and say they don't like the name after the birth....well, oh, well, it's too late!!! (and not many people will do that, although from what I remember your mom would!)
It was probably implemented by the frist sibling to name a baby something unusual, and I am grateful.  I'm the last sibling, so nobody even asked me!
Not that this helps you at all, I realize! 
It's tough, but you are doing soooo well.  Just stick with your own good intention and let your mom (and anyone elses') advice/hints/criticisms just go in one ear and out the other.  You are the one gets to use your child (or you) as an N supply. Good job!  Hang in there, hope the heartburn isn't too awful!!! (like the bedrest isn't enough....just read that elsewhere...jeeez louise, you have it rough.  I think you should get a medal even speaking to anyone who gives you lip!!!)


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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2005, 12:53:48 PM »
Thanks everyone-- very helpful!  I think the specific tasks thing will help a lot.  It has to be something they already want to do/agree with or they will do something that isn't what I meant.  Like the tons of clothes my mom is sending me that are cotton but not organic. I told her I am inheriting tons and tons of clothes from people but what I really want is some organic clothing and bedding for when she's first born.  She told me that cotton is the same thing as organic. I said it really wasn't and what I wanted was some actually organic stuff.  So package after package has arrived from her with.... nonorganic cotton clothing.

It is pretty funny, actually.  If I detach from it.  So I have to find something she thinks of as her "cause" or her idea and let her do stuff related to that.  If I express an opinion she won't abide by it and in fact will do something else (I didn't get what you wanted, but this is just the same, and cheaper!).  So I have to really plan this.  Preparation is half the battle.

Thanks again everyone!  Boy does pregnancy bring out the N in people.  Jeez Louise.  It is amazing how many strangers I meet, and don't even engage in conversation particularly, feel they know what I should do/think/know.  Unfortunately for them I am a pretty bitchy pregnant person and not particularly in the mood to be told what to do by strangers.  When an uppity stranger woman asks me if I am planning to breast feed, I have to really stop myself from telling her "no, I just don't think it's that attractive" or "no, I was hoping that my baby could be sick more so that I could take care of her and she'll love me more" or whatever sarcastic response. 

And for my parents and sister, who struggle with N tendencies already, the pregnancy is a field day.  I think my sister and mom spend most of their days discussing what I'm doing wrong.  The funniest thing happened that I just have to share-- from day 1, the clinic that I went to for fertility treatments has been a point of contention with my family.  My sister especially told me continually that going there was a bad idea, they would never take me anyway, there was no reason to go, it was a waste of money, they were just expensive for no reason, etc.  Why?  Well, you know, my family is crazy.  So, nothing but negativity so much so that when I went to the clinic I stopped contact with my whole family for three weeks.  A nice, quiet three weeks :)  I just couldn't take being told at every turn what was bound to go wrong.  Anyway, recently the clinic has gotten a lot of press, no idea why now in particular, for being stellar. I knew it was stellar already from researching the statistics on it (not that my family listened to this a bit, in fact they argued with ! the statistics) and because, ahem, I WENT THERE! and experienced it.  So now that it is a "celebrity" sort of place, "number one," they are thrilled I went there and are (1) telling everyone that I went there, and (2) ... explaining to me that I should have listened to them the whole time because.... it was their idea!!!  And they tell me that the statistics on the clinic are quite good.  Well, wow! Nice to know.  The same statistics they didn't listen to a bit before.  Evidently my mom and sister have decided that they pushed me to go there all along but I resisted.   My sister especially has my mom convinced of this, and lately I get the impression my mom has decided that she, too, was one of the instigators for me to go there.  When in fact all they did was negatively insult me, the place, and the whole idea.  Thank HEAVENS I had learned by then to stop listening to them.

Isn't craziness interesting?


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Re: okay, I need a booster shot!
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2005, 02:19:09 PM »
Oh, Boy, Vunil. Your family is classic.  My ex does that too, but conversely: when things go wrong for was my idea!!!
Just sooo much nuttiness.