Strong, Miss piggiy, dogbit,MUM
They hate being held accountable, too, and it sounds like maybe the kids are standing up for themselves a little too much for his taste.
This rings with me, having a 12 yr old, in the mist of setting up custody with an upcoming divorce.
My N-H made comment, when our daughter was young he was
Elvis and she was his Lisa Marie.
and how now he could nolonger tolerate her when she was willing to sass back at him. He would tease and push her until she snapped back at him. He would blame her for being disrespectful, when she was rightfully standing up for herself.
As she got older she no longer adored him, He even said he hated her. I was crushed how he could ever say such a hurtful thing to me, I did voice to him I would never stand to hear him say this to me ever again.
Now 5mos later, I have tried to say little about the hurts done to me, we focus on being consistant with daily routines. I tell her I love her everday before I leave for work. I have explained the truth about her dad being a
self-absorbed N along with the physical problems and the Meds (morphine) have affected his judgement.
This took me awhile to disscuss this with her. I sometimes e-mail her from work because she was shutting me down when I would try and talk with her. She would tell me she read my email, and I leave it alone.
She never calls him, she may e-mail him. I know he tells her how he hates me being in contact with her aunt and uncle and his kids. We don't see them as much anymore, I think he has gotten eveyone upset with his reactions we are just taking a rest for now and also after the recent death of BIL's older son we are all giving space to adjust and morn.
He writes her letters, she does not share them with me, however she leaves them laying around and I have read some of them. Some of them are concerning and I have copied them for future evidence, most are how she should do well in school and believe it or not told her how she should "NEVER LIE".
He tells of a story how his dad knew he never lied ????????? NEVER ---GAG ME
I think he wanted her to tell HIS TRUTH and not to lie about his I kidnapped her.
She is just now willing to share with me "if her father was here he would have over reacted".
We love the move WATERBOY, she said the mother reminded her of her dad, everything was the DEVIL.
She tells me, she thinks (not me) he is Bipolar, how a boy in school is bipolar and maybe her dad has this problem. I tell her "it is possible he his".
I think at 12 being honest with her allows her to be honest with herself. I'm telling her and he knows now after last week his mental evaluation exposing he is N to the judge, we all must now move forward how to adjust to his N-ness. (lies, not caring, how what he does to us affects us)
And below how MISS PIGGY said they take not responseibility................ This is great !!!
Also, I know some Ns (esp BPDs) hate to be alone with kids because a) kids are needier than they are, b) kids take attention and resources away from them, and c) if anything goes wrong, the oldest person in the room is held responsible (this is a big one with the most psychotic people in my life). They hate being held accountable, too, and it sounds like maybe the kids are standing up for themselves a little too much for his taste.
I nolonger walk around on eggshells, I have no desire to make N-H happy. He used his health as the reason for us to keep him calm, no stress in his life, how me leaving him after 27 years was killing him.
I don't play the game now, I find I am more honest with my feelings, if I make a decision someone's not happy then they can deal with it, I know I'm doing what needs to be done nolonger second guessing myself.
What a big growth this has been for us both. I'm setting boundries but not walls.
We both have lots of pain we are still working through, some of the walls are there and how to knock them down will take time............
Getting stonger everyday.................OR