I feel like its all that peace, filling up
Flowergirl: this is exactly how I retrained my body to do life in a happier way. It's habit/pattern to be happy or sad, most of the time. So when I have those happy moments,I fill myself up with them and really pay attention to how that feels. Later on, maybe when things are not necessarily bad or stressful, I sit still and feel what that is like again....remember the feeling.
I practice a lot. Hey, my thoughts are my own....if I want to feel what it's like to live on that farm I've always wanted....why is that less legitimate than thinking about my "problems"?
Anyway, then when things ARE stressful, I can drop the feeling I don't want and replace it with that good one again.
When I first realized I could do this, it was great, but then when I REALLY got into another emotional jam, I started reacting in my "old" way, getting livid for days on end, obsessing over the need to "solve" the issues at hand, torturing myself with worry and wishing things were different.....never having a moment's peace. Then I got really sick, physically,....like my body was screaming at me: "hey!!! I thought we didn't do this anymore!!! Cut it out!!!" It was quite a revelation for me.
Does anyone else feel like it is a neverending battle? I mean, I dont mean to be horrid - but until one of us kicks the bucket, this isn't going to end, is it?
Well, sure, and many times it IS a never ending real battle! But pain and dissapointment will always be there.....we are human after all. HOW we deal with it, though, is the ticket!! We can learn how to choose happiness as a way of life. Does that mean there is no more crap to deal with? Heck no. But we SEE the choice by being aware.
I used to think that all this learning to be aware would disconnect me from people, but strangely enough, it has me getting closer and closer. And I spend so much less time in hurt and resentment. There are certain people for which I feel that way (my ex comes instantly to mind) but I am so much better at not letting them get to me, now. Boundaries are easier for me to keep with those people. And I am less of a bitch to them, too, which is actually surprising, but it's because I deal with them less with new boundaries. I can say NO to taking on other's pain. (still working on it with my own children, however....not sure how to let go of that one, or that I should just yet).
JEEZ, sounds like I think I am Ghandi....not at all.....I get nuts like everyone, just read some of my posts! But I don't attach so much darn meaning to all of it...so I can let it go easier.
So. Short version: no, it never ends, but it can be a sweet ride, if you want it to be.