Well, now for an update. As I said, I left the letter with the surgery, with a message about my dr phobia. It sounds flippant to say this, but it is not far short of terror now. Especially if it is a man.
Then, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.
I got a phone call yesterday telling me to go for a mandatory examination by a government doctor, to check whether I am a benefit fraud or not (that is not how they word it, but that is the reason for this). It is on the 19th. I went to pieces as the woman was talking to me; I couldn't remember what she was saying, and my hands were shaking. She said they would send a letter to confirm the details, and I asked her to state in my notes that I am agoraphobic, and this will be very difficult for me, and I may not be able to cope with it. She said she would. But I still have to go.

I last went for one of these about 4 years ago, and left in a terrible state - really traumatised. And with ptsd you get the exact experience back when you get reminded of it. So 4 years on I am back there again, over and over again, and having to try to find my way to the reality of today, but that is just as bad. Getting grounded into a nightmare is no grounding.
At the end the dr wanted to take my bp, and I wanted to scream at him; 'Don't you touch me!!!', but I had to sit still and let him do it, and I felt so dirty, horrible. Humiliated. Then over and over afterwards, the words he used and the pictures of being there.
I am very very fearful of a nervous breakdown at this point. The effort of keeping a grip is really hard, and I am afraid I can't do it for long.
I need to find someone to go with me, but it has to be someone who can cope with seeing me fall apart, and still retain faith that I am not mad. I don't think there is such a person around here, so I will probably go on my own. That is going to be hard.
Apart from that ...