Author Topic: all the good news though - finally  (Read 2260 times)


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all the good news though - finally
« on: August 05, 2005, 05:12:05 PM »
now my brain is settling i want to share some of the **good news** that happened. theres not really too many i can share it with,  hope the list doesnt mind me sharing it here beucase im personally reeally excited about it! yay :)

either way - what we talked about.

i was advised to ask her about what -she- wanted re: coming back etc.

so i did. i told her i was hoping for her to be back here by the start of 8th grade (a year from now) i asked her what she thought and what she wanted.

she didnt say anything about any connection to them to think about........... she mainly talked about school and missing her friends... (expected that)

she told me she cant express her feelings there... she said although she cares about them, the things they do dont make her feel loved...  and she doesnt like the way they 'monitor' our calls --- her quote: she "finds it strange" that they let her talk to her "boyfriend" on the phone, alone in her room  ---  ("and at my age I thought 'boyfriends' were 'forbidden'" )  with no supervision or guidelines at all <<i find that strange too!!>>  but with her mom, who she is "supposed to be closer to than anyone in the world" they "totally monitor our calls".......

well! >   this may not seem a big huge deal....... but one of my biggest issues has been their known ability to brainwash, and whether or not they were going to succeed at it with her. it takes a big weight off to think they are maybe not succeeding as much as they were trying to.  

she said she was involved in school and friends right now of course - and that what she wanted to do was come back here at the start of -9th- grade, when she would be changing schools anyway. its not like i want to wait that long...... but its honestly better than nothing...... at least its something to plan for and its not bad thinking, it is a natural transition.

together we picked a high school she was real excited about and talked about getting a scholarship.  (she wants to try to get an art scholarship.)

she was talking about what we would do in her room, (right now its decorated for an 8 yr old) and where she would be putting her computer and all different things. she said spontaneously in conversation several times - "when i am here" or "when i bring my computer up"..... as though she were completely planning on it.

i asked her, what would happen if they said no or didnt allow it. her response: "frick them. I'll do it anyway."   (( :) ))

she even told my psychiatrist and several others about it .....  she calls it "our plan" .....

of course....... this changes so much mentally and emotionally..... its something to plan on......  it removes so much of the uncertainty.  i know she wants it. that means so much.

also she said she is not too much into money and the 'stuff' they try to give her. thats good news beuase they usually count on manipulating people through materialism,  so if that isnt going to work, they have lost a big tool.  their next tool is fear. but she is getting to the point where i think that will work less and less too.

also..... by the time she had been here 2 weeks, her attitude was sooo different. she was not being 'morbid' and 'pessimistic'  all the time (her description of herself down there) she said her next story would be 'much more lighthearted' --- that is my girl.  she wasnt talking like a vampire all the time and she had largely just let it go and was talking normally.

its amazing how free expression and unconditional acceptance opens up a persons attitude.

all this was GOOD GOOD GOOD!!!!!!!!!  thanks for letting me share some the best news I have had in..... well........ i'd say three or four years.

you all are great. id be LOST without this place to share and listen.
d's mom


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 05:30:11 PM »

Truly great news!! :D :D  Isn't it a wonderful thing to feel like you once again have some control over your life.  It sounds like your daughter is doing very well under the circumstances and you should be proud.

Sending many blessings that the good news continues.




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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2005, 10:55:16 PM »
thank you brigid yes im very proud of her. :}

i even found out she won an essay contest about bullying.... her essay won in her class and it will be published in one of those 'chicken soup' books.  so, she must be getting the concept on some level to win a contest about it. also at camp - she was given one of those camp prizes -  "future pulitzer prize winner" ....:} love that.   :)

i do feel a little more in control. her wanting to come back and not buying their crap is a big part of the goals accomplished.

now i have to work on getting us more rights and more contact in the meantime.... and plan for ninth grade..........hee hee hee :) :) :)  {{still trying to talk her into 8th. she doesnt want to leave her boyfriend. i told her if she is still with the same guy for two years at her age, more power to her}}

thank you brigid 8) 8)


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2005, 04:37:50 AM »
now my brain is settling i want to share some of the **good news** that happened. theres not really too many i can share it with,  hope the list doesnt mind me sharing it here beucase im personally reeally excited about it! yay :)

This is all such good news!!!!  It shows that the innoculation against the Npoison has worked!!  And you know what happens after innoculation; you can't ever catch the disease after that, and it will never have the same power ever again.

Well done you for being such a wonderful, special, mother. :D  (((((hugs)))))


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2005, 09:27:28 AM »

Glad to hear it.


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2005, 11:22:25 AM »
Don't worry about sharing good news. I for one am really happy that you and your daughter are reunited right now.



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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2005, 08:55:04 PM »
Great!  Keep us informed.  I love good news whether it is for me or for others.  It gets me started thinking what good things might be coming tomorrow. :D :D :D

P.S. YOU are your daughter's strength.  Keep letting her know there is a place and people in this world that value her for her own sake and don't want anything from her.  That refuge will get her through.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2005, 10:16:47 AM »

This is great happy news, keeping her intrested with school and being great, winning awards makes you proud.

she won an essay contest about bullying

My D loves chicken soup books, she can realte to bullying at her age.
I hope she didn't have a terrible experiance with one.

Take care .............OR


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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2005, 04:52:08 PM »
hi OR and all.

yes im very happy she has always loved school. it really hurt to be accused of neglecting her education because of how much we valued school. just more crap i guess.

she also said she is will actually be taking algebra a year early too. yay! they totally didnt encourage her in math, (its not one of the 'approved' activities for girls) but i guess she is still managing to shine anyhow.  as bright as she is verbally - she actually scored higher on the aptitude tests for math.... they totally ignored it though......

i dont know how long it will last......... but last night i actually had a dream in which she was alive...............

i dreamed, i was with my parents and they let her walk up this crowded street alone, i couldnt believe anyone would be so stupid, to just let her walk alone up this street with all these people, of course she disappeared and i was totally freaked out trying to find her........

we were driving all over town til after dark and finally i saw one of her feet sticking out from under a bunch of bushes near a house. i was terrified that she was dead. but..... i pulled her out.... and she was not. she was alive. she had been abused.. and left for dead.. but she was not.

she was very traumatised but she was totally alive.  i even felt as though there was a way to catch the people who had done it.

ive become used to never feeling hopeful becuase they will find it and crush it if they see it. they can smell hope like sharks.

but...................... i keep thinking...... a lot of my fears can lay to rest......... please please would be so nice to really have a turning point.

PS i had a little bit of fun becuase my stepmother apparently packed all of d's socks and even undies completely unwashed.. they were all dirty and stained and packed with mud.... what is that about?

so i confiscated all her dirty socks and washed them all up nice. we always do laundry while shes here but i tidied up all her socks and they were nice and clean and white when they went back.

i guess my stepmothers never heard of bleach?

anyway that gave me a little satisfaction. she thinks she is so perfect and cant even bleach a sock.



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Re: all the good news though - finally
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2005, 08:11:10 PM »
ive become used to never feeling hopeful becuase they will find it and crush it if they see it. they can smell hope like sharks.

but...................... i keep thinking...... a lot of my fears can lay to rest......... please please would be so nice to really have a turning point.

Oh, Anna, you have hit a nerve.....or a nail on the head, or both.
Bless you.