Author Topic: How the OCDex prepared me for the NPDstbex  (Read 1922 times)


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How the OCDex prepared me for the NPDstbex
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:52:35 PM »
I lived with a woman with OCD for a year before I met S.  There were rules to be followed: how to stir the stir fry, how to wash dishes, how to clean the cat boxes.  Of course I never did it well enough.  She seemed to spend a lot of her time in her head though and played a mindless computer game compulsively so I had lots of free time.  Most of the time I didn't feel her lack of affect -- it was only when we were on the ferry (we lived in upstate New York and went to Burlington VT often) that I would feel the deadness in her.  Strange, but water is my element.

When I met S. I was of course checking her out for those traits -- did a spoon always have to go back in the same place?  Was there only one acceptable way to make love?  She -passed all the tests with flying colors.  Since I had also had a relationship with a BPD I was also looking for sudden outbursts of anger or inappropriate reactions.  S. passed all those tests too.  No red flags, I told a friend.

Of course, in retrospect they were there aflying aplenty:

She had her sister incarcerated to wrest the POA from her for her Dad's estate
She doesn't talk to her mother
She gave her housemate the silent treatment
Her son wouldn't talk with her and lived with his father
She blamed her ex- for all her problems
She didn't get along with her bosses at work
Her house seemed more "decorated" to impress that she did art or read than really doing art or reading
She pressed me to buy a house with her after a mere two months of dating
She didn't seem to know how to part when we had to go about our own activities
She feigned an interest in spirituality but actually had none -- she knew I was a buddhist and actually had a picture of buddha above her bed
When we went to a dance she wanted to know what I was wearing so she could dress the same

Guess I could go on.  Because my mother has NPD I wasn't looking at how all of these things were things that my  mother either did or put on me as the bad child; guess I was delighted to be the good child and didn't look any further. 

Now that I am the bad child (since the months of devaluing and then the restraining order and the affidavit from her ex- that she also abused her), all these things seem so familiar, how could I have ignored them?  And how did she keep up the pretense for so long, unless it was because she needed someone to be with her throughout all her health issues and hospitalizations.  That must have been the motivation.  Interestingly, I never felt that lack of affect with her before I was split off as the bad part -- she must have been much better at projecting her false self.


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Re: How the OCDex prepared me for the NPDstbex
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 07:20:24 AM »
Yes, I do listen to my instincts and what is so devastating to me is that I did feel safe with this person.  I'm an intuitive person and I usually pick up on things, but I didn't feel that there was anything wrong here.  I guess that is what bothers me; how can someone be so good at projecting a self that isn't real that no cracks are felt or seen?  Unless it is the fact that being raised by a NPD mother blinded me to what others might see.

Were I to think of another relationship sometime in the far, far future, I don't know what I would use.  My intuition failed me.  My checklists failed me.  The only thing I can imagine is that it would have to be a very slow getting to know each other period with lots of time away.  Even then I'm not sure I would ever trust myself again.


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Re: How the OCDex prepared me for the NPDstbex
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2005, 08:59:14 AM »
With my ex I used to feel as safe as houses.  I used to think that he had been sent to me to make my life better and that he was a loving calming influence in my world.  that was before he stole 25,000 off me and turned me into an anxiety ridden nervous shadow of my former self after having abandoned me with no word...

I think it is something to do with familiarity.  We meet a person and on some subcoscious level we sink into familiarity mode and off we go again.  Of course they are very good at being what we want them to be in the beginning, but I do think that the subtleties which others may pick up on are deemed as nrmal by children of narcissistic parents.....

Spyralle x


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Re: How the OCDex prepared me for the NPDstbex
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2005, 09:40:17 AM »
I think it is something to do with familiarity.  We meet a person and on some subcoscious level we sink into familiarity mode and off we go again.  Of course they are very good at being what we want them to be in the beginning, but I do think that the subtleties which others may pick up on are deemed as nrmal by children of narcissistic parents.....

Oh I completely agree with Spyralle here.  Long long time ago when you were little you experienced what you understood to be "love"...  you didn't know any better, you certainly didn't analyse it because to you it was normal... so now you have grown up and  re-experienced the same dynamic over and over and over again because this is what "love" is in your books...  then one day you collapse with insanity and unfulfillment and you realise that your needs are not getting met and you realise you are going around in circles, but you are confused and your thoughts are all distorted because you realise that you don't know what love is.  You have to undo all those years of messed up thinking and reprogramme your mind. 

Marta, I completely agree about the instinct thing.  So many people, myself included, wouldn't be in the situation we are in today if we had followed our instincts.  Unfortuanately these men are hard to resist because of our needs.  We want to be loved no matter what price we have to pay.  In some cases we will sell our souls to feel loved...