Hi all, just joining the thread now
Ceemee, any board will sometimes have some miscommunication, of course. But if an individual arrives with the idea of how fun it would be to "headtrip" other posters just for sport, then that would be hurtful and "wrong".
While lurking, I have read a few comments where posters were asked to explain their actions or justify their feelings in a pretty blunt and insensitive way. But for the most part, people are careful to inquire in a caring way. That tone of communication makes all the difference. Since we are writing and not speaking, word choices and turn of phrase can replace the tonal quality of voice. Ninety percent of communication is tone and intent vs. content.
As victims of people with PDs, we are all very sensitive to invalidation and needless questioning of personal feelings. Many survivors have scars that can sometimes trip up our communication, but most people here are pretty forgiving (to a fault, ha!). But when a pattern of behavior/communication style reveals itself, posters here will call attention to it. Most times, I think we ask for clarification and give the person in question a chance to revise or hone their style into one that can be received more helpfully. that is, to encourage relating to each other more helpfully and less painfully.
Hope that clears it up. MP