Author Topic: Shattered illusions....What now?  (Read 15793 times)


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Shattered illusions....What now?
« on: August 28, 2005, 02:34:53 PM »
As i am learning so much about my ex and the dynamics of being with him I am really having to question my family dynamics, both here and in therapy.  My therapist believes that I shut my eyes to the real deal because i had learned to do that as a child.  She reckons that a child cannot possibly allow themselves to accept that their parents are abusive so they pretend they arn't and all the anger and pain gets turned mainly on ourselves and sometimes others. 

It is fascinating for me to start actually acknowledging that these ideas may be true.  i have lived for years in the knowledge that I have been a supreme dsappointment to my mother and have endured such comments as...."you have killed all your relatives"  You are the "lowest of the low" etc....  but the problem was, nomatter how mad I have always intrinsically believed her.  I have felt guilty for as far back as i can remember.

On the day of my dads funeral me my mum and my brother had an argument.  my mum lives in Spain up in the mountains.  The road to her house was closed and we had to go on a far out detour which took us over the top of the hills.  We were arguing about my brothers wife and things got very heated.  I was driving the car.  I turned around to shout at my brother and he punched me in the face.  i was so angry that I thought about just putting my foot on the accelorator and driving us all over the side of the mountain, so I stopped the car and got out.  i left my shes in the car.  My mother and my brother drove off and left me there.  This was 10 pm.  It was very very dark and i started walking and walked right over the edge, waking up on a flat ledge with all my ribs broken, my head split open etc...  I managed to climb back up and spent the whole night sheltering on the step of a stone outhouse type building.  It was January and very cold.  Everytime I heard the wind whistling I thought that it was them coming back for me....  I regressed totally, crying and screaming and shouting for my mum to come and save me...

They never came back.  As it started to get light I started walking.  It was hard with bare feet but I persevered for two hours until I came across alittle old man on a moped.  I was babbling in Spanish and english and covered in blood and before he put me on the backof his bike he started feeling to see if I was wearing underwear.  It was like some nightmare.  Anyway.  he deposited me at my mums house.  Her and my brother were off to the hospital as I believe he broke her collarbone when he hit me.  They were not interested in me and left me there.  I got in the bath and when I got out the bath was full of blood and hair and dirt.  when they returned my mum saw the bath and immediately tried to go into loving mother mode.  my brother went to sunbathe saying there was nothing wrong with me and that I had probably been out with my friends. 

I can remember feeling very numb.  I would not stay in the house and got my mother to book me a flight back to England.  Don't know how I managed it really with all those broken ribs, but I did.  I was terrified all the way home.  I kept hearing my brothers voice like a flashback......

Though I do mention this sometimes it is like some surreal event to me.  When my ex left me the anxiety and panic and regression that I experienced on this night returned....  My mother never mentions this night.  If she could erase the fact that she was there from my memory she would.  her only explanation for leaving me was.  Well I just went home to bed.....

i don't know what to do now.  Since my ex has left I am having to acknowledge that my family were not what I wanted them to be.  I am having to acknowledge that the way they treated me may constitute abuse and that I may have been abused many times in other relationships.  I have been blaming myself for forty three years now and shattering the illusion does not come easy.  I don't know how to treat my mother, even though I never see her anyway....

Sorry this is a bit of a ramble.  I'm just trying to make some sense of my life and where to go from here...



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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 02:46:03 PM »
Oh, my god, Spyralle.  I am so sorry.  That is one of the worst and most horrendous stories I've ever heard of people (never mind family) treating another person.  You could have been molested, you could have gotten run over, you could have fallen off a cliff-- it was night!  In the dark!  In the mountains.  And they just left you there.  What they did was dangerous and bordered on homicidal.  I am appalled.  Did you tell your therapist about this?  Imagine reading a newspaper story about some poor woman in that situation-- you would want to arrest the family, and I think in many countries you would have been able to hold them liable for something horrible happening to you.



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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 03:05:51 PM »

I am so sorry to read that story.  What a horrible time you must have had that night.  Not only physically but on an emotional level...  feeling that no one gives a sh*t about you or your welfare and feeling totally abandoned by those who are supposed to love you...

hmmmm....  you are in that situation again now, so your memory of this episode probably feels very raw

I don't know if you have been in therapy before, but my experience is that it brings up some very very painful stuff that makes you feel so vulnerable and isolated and unprotected.  I think you should probably prepare for that, you should nurture yourself, eat well, sleep well, relax and take it easy.  Take good care of yourself while you are healing. 



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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 05:56:42 PM »
have endured such comments as...."you have killed all your relatives" 

What in the heck does she mean by this?  You yourself killed your own relatives?  Wow, aren't you the evil despot.  Jeez Louise.

Have you and your brother even mentioned the incident where he hit you (!) and then left you?  I assume he hasn't apologized, but has he even brought it up?

I read your story a couple of hours ago and continue to be appalled.  Wow, the memories we have to live with.  I am glad at least now you can start to really process it.


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 06:11:06 PM »
((((Spyralle)))) That is one of the worst stories of abuse and abandonment I have ever heard. You could easily have died. I suffered something similar to this when I was 8 because my parents were drunk and it took me years to work through. During that time of therapy, I felt raw, vulnerable and even crazy. My therapist kept telling me that I was sane and I was finally able on a deep emotional level to understand what my family was about. Your therapist will probably ask you if you would have ever left someone in the mountains in winter without shoes and do you think this is something that a sane, kind, loving person would do. I know your answer will be absolutely not. To me, their intentions sound murderous.

My therapist kept explaining to me that the "why" of the abuse is not the question we should be asking...that we should understand the "what" of the abuse and therefore understand "what" our families are. When I finally understood, I decided in every fibre of my being that my family was evil and that somehow I had survived. I vowed never to put myself back into those situations.

Your therapist needs to know this. Please take it in that you are strong enough and brave enough and sane enough to handle doing this kind of work.


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 06:33:36 PM »
This IS the "now what". Examining your life, working through the pain. You deserve such joy and peace. Moving through is hard.
You are very brave for sharing such a story. Bless you.


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 06:52:34 PM »
During that time of therapy, I felt raw, vulnerable and even crazy. My therapist kept telling me that I was sane and I was finally able on a deep emotional level to understand what my family was about.

Amethyst, I think you were really lucky to have a therapist who could honor your feelings, and let you make contact with your emotions. During this time for me, my own therapist raped me (not sexually, but emotionally) and I was so trusting that I could not tell, for years and years, what was happening.


(((Marta))) I was fortunate to have "Uzi Suzi"...she was tough as nails, never let me stay in any kind of denial, and absolutely believed that I was a strong, sane, and loving person who could work through all this. She gave me faith in myself. I also have had some other terrific therapists. They are out there. If you give yourself the power to disagree with the therapist and they react toxicly, you know you are in the wrong place with the wrong person. I am so sorry that happened to you. 

There are also quacks and abusers and people who have not healed their own stuff. About 10 years ago, my husband and I had some issues that we needed to resolve, so we decided to see a highly recommended marriage counselor, a guy I'll call Joe. Joe was heavy. Now "Uzi Suzi" had told me that every ten extra pounds indicates ten pounds of anger and unresolved issues, so I was a little concerned that maybe Joe had some baggage that he hadn't dealt with. He was also a devout Catholic. He was somewhat helpful and gave us some good tools to work with, but during our last session he told us that to feel anger was always inappropriate and was "bad," that it should always be suppressed. I said,"Whoa! Joe! Wrong! Anger is a symptom that usually covers fear of loss! It means that we need to look at what is going on under the anger and deal with it. It's an emotion, like any other emotion. It's "bad" when people start acting out the anger, but the anger itself is just a warning signal." He said,"There you go again! You are always giving your opinion. You are very outspoken. Anger is bad." (He sounded quite angry. I guess he felt I should just be a subservient female, too.  :P :shock:) I said,"Look Joe. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood as a non-Catholic. My friends told me that according to their Catechism lessons, even to feel anger was a cardinal sin. I am in AA and I know quite a few "recovering Catholics" who say that this was one teaching that they had to jettison because their anger was not being dealt with and was always coming out sideways. Or they were burying it and it was turning into resentment, which can lead to getting it on with the bottle again. I'm not telling you what to do, but I can't accept what you are saying." My hubby also said,"I have to back Amethyst up on this. She is right. If we start stuffing our anger, which is going to arise naturally out of the fact that we are two people in a relationship that sometimes has bumps in the road, conflicting goals and occasional difficulties in communication, we are going to be in deep S**T!" He fired us and we fired him at the same time.

Afterwards, when my hubby and I processed what happened, my hubby said he had felt confused, which I think goes back to the discussion about evil. Here was a fat therapist with a ton of buried anger telling us something that was a lie, which was evil...he was promoting his own agenda and trying to get us to swallow his unresolved stuff.  I think my hubby and I handled it pretty well.  :D :lol:
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 06:54:54 PM by amethyst »

miss piggy

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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2005, 10:29:24 PM »
Hello Spyralle,

My god, abandoning you in the snowy mountains sounds...criminal to me.  They knowingly left you in an extremely perilous situation.  No wonder any version of abandonment (like your ex) would set off the trauma again.  How awful!

I wish you peace.  MP


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2005, 10:46:37 PM »
i agree, you really honestly could have died. what would have been their story after that? can you imagine what they would have said, to explain the fact that -they- killed *you*???........ how much would i bet it would have been all your fault im sure. that is one of the worst stories ive ever heard as well that was excused as normal, and i have talked with ritual abuse survivors.

and gosh you were going to your dads funeral. that just BITES.

i agree eat well and love yourself today


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2005, 11:20:38 PM »
Man what an awful pack of "people" your family are! Yuk! 

The only good thing, is that there is no way to explain or accept or excuse what they did.  It is off the charts horrible and inhuman.  A person doing that to even a dog would be criminally liable.  How long ago was it?  You probably don't want to go there, but I bet you could still bring charges.  Just think about that, about the fact that the force and weight and ideas of the Spanish government would back you up in punishing the insane criminals you call your family.

I picture the long years of abuse you endured as a long slow descent down into a deep, dark hole.    The deeper you went down, the harder it was to see the light.  Now you are digging your way out.  It will take some time, but you will make it onto level ground.  You are coming more and more into the light.    Your 'family' are also down in this hole.  As long as you were in it and below them, they felt ok.  Now you are rising above them and they are uncomfortable.    They will do anything to drag you back down.

A family ought to be a group of biologically, legally, or socially related individuals providing companionship and mutual support.  Your so-called family did none of this.   They need to be fired.  You can then begin to contruct a real family - your first.   Treat your family as you would treat a terminated employee who has no business on the property - with coolness and caution.

I'm sorry I can't provide any better comments than this.  I am just in shock.  I'm glad you survived.  I'm glad you are going to heal.  I'm glad you came up here to get support from us.



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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2005, 12:21:47 AM »

During this time for me, my own therapist raped me (not sexually, but emotionally) and I was so trusting that I could not tell, for years and years, what was happening.

If you give yourself the power to disagree with the therapist and they react toxicly, you know you are in the wrong place with the wrong person. [/b]

You didn't understand what I said, Amethyst....

I must not have understood, Marta. I am sorry. I'm still not clear on what I didn't understand, though. If you could tell me, it would help.

I wasn't clear either in my communication either.  What I meant was if you were to find someone that you believe is a good therapist in the future and then suddenly you find them reacting abusively or to toxicly (sp?) to something you are saying, it's time to fire that therapist.


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2005, 03:16:27 AM »

I am very sorry to hear that you had that experience with someone you went to for therapy.  That is so shocking and horrible.  It makes the hairs stand up on my back.  That is the last thing I would expect from a therapist and you being in such a vulnerable position.  You were extremely unlucky to stumble on that therapist at such a time in your life.  I hope you can heal from that and find some peace.  It must be hard not to be permanently bitter, angry, resentful....

What a cynical, twisted, bitter person your "therapist" was.

If you ever wish to speak about it, I am sure you will find support here.

x Selkie x


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2005, 04:50:17 AM »
Treat your family as you would treat a terminated employee who has no business on the property - with coolness and caution.

Well put, Plucky.

Spyralle, many hours and counting and I am still appalled.  Your story actually gave me a nightmare.  I am glad you shared with us-- I hope our outrage helps you get in touch with your own outrage, and shows you how people who are capable of compassion respond to such behavior.  I remember once years ago in therapy I was telling what I thought was an innocuous story about my childhood and the therapist I had started to cry.  It was quite a moment.  Just know we are reacting that way to your story-- with shock and anger and tears. 

Marta, this thread is so overwhelming that I have to concentrate on Spyralle's story (it is obsessively bothering me) but I agree with everyone else-- I'm sorry that you were taken advantage of by a therapist.  I hope at some point you'll share more with us, if you would like to and think it might help.


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2005, 05:35:02 AM »
Hi everyone,

The response to this has been really overwhelming and has completely thrown me.  i am sitting here this morning reading all your replies and it is difficult to put into words how i feel.  It feels really strange that people are so very appalled.  i know that must sound really odd because on one level i know this is not a small incident, but this is what I have beeen trying to say.  When things like this have happened, they have been brushed away.... so therefore they cease to become real or important, just another something that happened for which somewhere i was sure I was to blame....

Vunil.when she said that I had killed all my relatives I asked her to explain.....  She said that with my dreadful behaviour I was responsible for them dying.  My mum has spent the past twenty years writing a diary.  She writes an A4 page every day, all about her day....What she has had to eat and how much money she has spent.  These diaries also validate her feeling that I am the worst daughter ever.  We went to Spain a couple of years ago and she left someof the diaries in the room my daughter stayed in.  Of course my daughter opened them and started to read about what a 'disgrace' I was.....  My mother has said that when she dies she is going to leave me these diaries to read.  What a head f**k that would be......

I find it so hard to sustain the belief that she is bad.  It is the same phemonenon as my ex.  She paints herself as very fragile and so I have spent 43 years trying not to upset her.  I'm not saying I am a saint.  There are many occasions when I have lost it and then I get cast in an even darker light than i am already.  She has helped me out a lot over the years with money.  You know what though, if I had the time to do again I would go it alone.  She feels that she owns me you see, and that includes the innermost secrets that I carry...

Vunil, you asked me if I had ever spoken to my brother about the incident.  No....  i have only seen him once since, and that was at my partners funeral.  My partner died 5 years ago.  He just collapsed after getting up in the morning and that was that.  I was in hospital. I discharged myself and came home as I knew something was wrong.  I climbed through the window and there he was.  My lovely man...He had been six foot four of energy and vitality...just gone.  Anyway.  My daughter was in Spain with my mother and they caught a flight home to arrive the next morning.  My daughter has not really spoken to my mother since this night.  My mother was appalled at my daughter's behavior (She started shouting and crying and threw her sunglasses on the floor) and said to her at the airport that at least she would not have to put up with her any more....

So the next day my brother turns up with his girlfriend, albeit to do the right thing.  I have learned since that they were disgusted at the state of my house and garden etc etc etc...  There were people coming in and out of my house with flowers etc and I justsat on the table like a zombie.  We talked a little about the funeral and I said that I would not wear black.  I loved him so much so I wanted to wear white.  It just felt right to me at the time.  My mother went into one then and started going on about what people would think.  The day went pretty much the same way so I went to lie on my daughters bed.  I had her on one side of me and my best friend on the other, just stroking my hair whilst I cried myself to sleep.  My mother was sitting downstairs drinking beer with the husband of my friend.  She looked up at the ceiling and said.  can you hear that...I've had to put up with that all my life!!

Anyway first thing the next morning she decided she was off...  She said I lived in a mad house and she wasn't staying.  Not even 24 hours she managed...  My brother and his girlfriend lent me the money for the funeral, and they were there.  casting judgements on all around them.  I should never have taken their money.  My mother gave it back to him by the way.  I should never have taken any money of my mother in my life because she bought me, and now feels that she has a right to do with me as she wishes.

So back to the question I started to answer Vunil.  No we have not spoken about the mountain incident.  It's funny if I ever mention that incident I never say my mother was there.....

Thank you for hearing me

Spyralle x


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Re: Shattered illusions....What now?
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2005, 06:28:48 AM »
((((Spyralle)))) I am in absolute tears at what you have been through. Can you not see that your mother made your beloved's death all about herself and took pleasure in belittleing you? How could anyone critcize you on that day and be so vicious, so cruel?

Please don't beat yourself up for taking her money. You did the best you could. I would feel no guilt over the money whatsoever. I know about the "strings attached" stuff and that always feels yucky, but I swear that whatever money your mom or brother have given you is nothing compared to what they have robbed you of. They owe you bigtime.

As far as that diary, I don't even have words for something like that. I felt as if I had been kicked in the gut when I read about it.

What I see here is your mother is someone who is totally unwilling to look within her "heart of darkness" and has projected who she is (evil N)  onto you. You are not who she says you are. In fact a good excercise in therapy might be to take everything that she has ever said about you and put it back on her; take everything she has said about you and say the opposite about yourself. Your mother is a liar.