my aunty was so shocked by my reaction that her and my mother did not speak for a year.
Here's more proof that you are not to blame- I'm sure your aunt knew how your mother was treating you. Have you ever talked to your aunt about this and other incidents?
My mother sided with the bully saying that there must be something about me that this girl didn't like... She always does the same thing. .
What a horrible horrible woman. No sympathy? Siding with the bully? Oh my God, that woman was out to hurt you. Everything you say tells me that she just wanted to hurt you really bad, I don't know what issues that woman had but her happiness/pleasure depended on putting you down. It seemed like she welcomed any opportunity to make you suffer. I am so speechless... I am finding it so difficult to express just what a piece of work this mangled woman is. The thing that hurts me the most is that you don't see it and you blame yourself and you think you don't deserve any better, because if you felt that you did deserve better, you wouldn't find yourself in the relationship that you just found yourself in. I hope you are dealing with all this stuff with your therapist? Are you happy with your therapist Spyralle? Is she good, do you think?
I feel like a whiny child at the moment trying to get all this out. There is a voice in my head saying, it's not so bad it is just you. .
Please don't contribute to the pain any more than you have done already. Please don't kick yourself when you're down. That voice has got to be silenced. Don't take any sh*t from that voice any more Spyralle, you are an adult now, learn to fight back with that voice. You couldn't do that as a child but you can now. That voice has no power over you anymore and keep telling yourself that. Get to the bottom of it. Why don't you write down this argument with this voice and see what you come up with. I find that really helps me, it is amazing what comes out of it.
that she is withering away like a grape on a vine......
I hope she
does wither away like a grape on a vine, the branch in which she clings to isn't worthy of her
I wish that I could tell her about my ex. i wish she would not listen and not judge me but she would be appallled at me.... I wish she didn't have to keep trying to convince herself that I am nice really......
I'd be careful of this kind of stuff if I were you...It's the classic scenario that keeps you in abusive situations... whether it be with your Mum, or a relationship that mirrors it.... It's that constant "if only they would see my side of things, If only I could get through to her etc etc " The hardest part is walking away -suprisingly- one would think you'd run a mile from her- but there's a part that keeps you in it, and that's the part that needs her, you have needs that need to be met. That's the same part that needs your ex, the part of you that has been hard done by. There is a huge injustice here and you are going to the wrong people to undo that injustice. They will never give you that.
My head is so full of all this stuff. I feel really lonely and low today
I replied to your PM before I read this post, I guess this explains just why it is that you are down. You are grieving a big big loss Spyralle. Be good to yourself, you have been through a tough time. You will get through this. As the old saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, take it one step at a time
Thinking of you & Rooting for you,
x Selkie x