Actually, Anna, guess what? It's not ok with me. It seems like you're the only one allowed to have feelings. How come? When you were accused of over reacting and responding with an inappropriate amount of emotion, you get to say: "No. Don't accuse me of that!", and thought I heard you saying that, I felt badly for you having to do all that, and I thought I tried to communicate it, as horrible at communicating as I am. But your response was to incorrectly accuse me of implying stuff, which I denied and even appologised for it seeming that way and now, your response, "that's fine" says to me:
"It doesn't matter that I accused you of implying stuff you weren't implying. It doesn't matter that you appologised and stated that you weren't implying anything. As a matter of fact, I don't even believe you weren't implying anything...I am only willing to agree....if...if...if
you weren't implying anything, that it's fine, which I doubt. Therefore, not only do I not accept your appology, but I think you're a liar to boot. So, let's just get on with my opinion, shall we."
This is how your words came across to me and I feel insulted and and even now, writing this, disappointed and a real understanding of what upset Mudpuppy, not long ago, is starting to seep into my brain. There is more in your post that I found very defining and I just want to point out that I tried to let you know that I am not trying to define you.
I may sound overly emotional or like I'm over reacting too, maybe, to some right now, but to be honest, I don't feel like that. I just feel like saying that I have feelings too, please consider them.
sela........ that wasnt what i was trying to say at all..... how did it come across i dont think other people can have feelings? i totally said, we might have to agree to disagree.........that i respect peoples right to think/feel what they want..
my point about your sentence that seemed to define acts of blame a defense mechanism....... maybe you werent thinking that at all, when you wrote it......... i could totally be wrong..... but it seemed as though, even though you were saying you didnt think blaming was a coping mechanism, but then in that sentence, you kind of maybe subconsciously went ahead and called blaming a coping mechanism anyway. so i pointed that out. maybe i misunderstood it.
i pointed it out becuase, not everybody defines acts of blame as a coping mechanism, and that was part of the disagreement. as long as people are defining things and the other people dont agree with the definition there wont be any middle ground.
but i was =not= trying to not accept any apology or deny anyone the right to feel feelings.?? its obvious there are very deep divisions as to how this is looked at and interpreted and they wont be changed by talking about it becuase it just has to do with peoples world view.
im really confused by how what i said to you was interpreted but, im glad you told me. your feelings are totally important to me. i havent even been on my computer since yesterday or so anyway, but i wasnt plannign to talk about it anymore anyway, becuase i was thinking it isnt worth arguing over..... its obvious we are defining things differently but on the big issues we probably agree so, i could just as easily feel insulted by half the things that bliz has said, which i have, but im not going to fight about it with her, becuase it isnt worth it, beucase it willl not go anywhere or change anything and it will just be negative.
i have felt condescended to by almost everythign that bliz has written recently. but, im not arguing with her about it. im not trying to fight or deny her her right to feel what she wants. becuase, its obvious its how she really really deeply feels and its not going to change. and i dont want her to change. im trying to respect her right to her own opinion even though its =totally= different from mine. this just isnt the place to be talking about it i guess becuase we arent going to see it the same way.
so i for sure wouldnt do that to you. i didnt think the things you said were insulting, i just thought they were open to discussion which i was trying to do. and i hate double standards. you know that. i dont want people to have to consider anything about me that i wouldnt consider about them. i just think this topic is too heated to be productively talked about i guess.
i dont really know what else to say. im sorry if i said anything that upset you. that wasnt my intent. im pretty puzzled by your reaction but maybe you were saying something that i just missed. its easy to do on the internet. for whatever reason this topic is just not easy to talk about, and people are geting insulted very easy, so maybe it just isnt a good topic.