Author Topic: Baby is here - now what?  (Read 23187 times)


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #120 on: August 25, 2005, 02:44:26 PM »
Thanks Sela - that is such a good idea. When the police woman read out some of the things he'd said I was so shocked I couldn't say anything, so to be prepared with something to say to his lies would be good Even if it's just a standard line of some sort.

He just messaged me to ask for a photo of *A*. Do I send one? I haven't answered yet. I know he's doing it to see if he has any power left, but do I then look petty? I don't want him to have one, but that stems from not wanting him anywhere near my precious baby...

I think I am getting stronger, I just need to be more prepared for his madness.

Well thanks everyone... I'm getting there.


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #121 on: August 25, 2005, 05:41:34 PM »
Hi Cadbury:

That's what I find the hardest too....the shockingness of the lies.  They floor me and I feel totally at a loss of what to say in situations like that.  I'm stunned!  Tongue-tied!  Feel like a complete idiot afterward too!

It does help me to try to plan ahead, if I must have contact with such people.  I have to psych myself up, have a reserve of responses and be prepared to exit, if necessary.

In the case of insane accusations about your parenting abilities or personal might respond simply......"untrue, more manipulation",  or "Not at all true.  I can easily prove otherwise."  or "Where are you getting your facts?" or "where do you come up with this baloney?" or "Oh come on, have you gone off your medications again???" (just kidding with that last one.... :D..but you get the point I bet?).

In other words be calm, try not to let the shock rule, ignor the fear, speak as if you are certain of yourself and your postitionl.  You know it isn't true.  You know he's a lunatic rattling off insane accusations.  Shake it all off as if you are quite sure he is a nutbar.  Don't let him rock your boat (plan on releasing all of that later, in a safe place, preferably with a friend/support person).

Re the have no obligation whatsoever to provide him with a single thing he requests.  This jerk is recking your life, fighting you in a court of law, making up and telling authorities lies about you, acting like a complete dope and then has the idaucity to request stuff from you???????

Personally, I would not respond at all or, if I felt I must....I might say something like:  "Unfortunately, I'm not prepared to do that".

It's not being petty to refuse to do favours for those who give nothing back (in his case....take, take, take.....and twist twist twist).  That would be allowing him to use you.  You have boundaries right?   Let him cross and he'll keep going.

That's just what I think.   You might decide I'm the dopey one!! :D :D

 :D Sela

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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #122 on: August 25, 2005, 09:11:57 PM »
Hi Cadbury,
you can rethink your relationship with this guy a million ways and berate yourself for every choice, but each choice made differently would result in your not having your darling baby, so you just have to assume that all your choices were fine up to this point, or at least as fine as they could be under the circumstances, and let all that Monday morning quarterbacking go.  For good.  

Then you can focus on your current issues, which should be more than enough to keep you busy!  I would consult your solicitor before anything you do.  Everything has the potential to be trotted out in a court case.  For example, whether you give him a picture or not.

Also, I know you are busy and tired and everything and you just don't need this right now.  But try to keep him on the defensive by making a case that he is crazy before he starts against you and you have to defend yourself.    Make sure people know about the worst things he does, and why can't you go running to the police complaining about him before he has a chance to complain first about you?

Keep in mind that he is not the first to lie to the police.  They are used to having people lie to them and do not, if they are worth their salt, believe him just because he said it.    In the end you will prevail, but only if you work at it.   That is unfair and a complete bummer, but, that's how it is.

I once had a crazy uber-N roomate call the police on me.  When they got there, I just acted my reasonable self and she was hysterical.  Of course they went away shaking their heads.   You will win.  But don't stop fighting.  We are here for you. This whole thing is not your fault, but you have to deal with it, and it doesn't seem fair, but you know what?  You'll get through it, you'll learn a lot, you'll be able to teach your son a lot that you didn't learn, and it will make you a better, stronger person.

an optimistic



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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #123 on: August 25, 2005, 10:48:57 PM »
Hi Cadbury,

Being in the middle of a court case myself here's a little advice.

Don't worry so much about looking like the 'goodguy'. People will understand, when they see his provocations, that you are merely trying to protect yourself.
I have consistently taken the high road in court while my brother has not. But taking the high road does not include bending over backwards to the extent of disappearing up your own backside.  :shock: :P :shock:
It means being polite and reasonable but having a spine of iron when it comes to protecting yourself and your little one.

If he wanted a picture of his son he could have acted like a father. :x

Maybe you could send him a picture of a baboon and tell him you've been wrong all along, there is a resemblance to him after all. :D :P



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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #124 on: August 26, 2005, 01:06:12 AM »
Maybe you could send him a picture of a baboon and tell him you've been wrong all along, there is a resemblance to him after all. 

They say laughter is the best medicine.  So after reading this, I can safely skip my vitamin and my doctor appointment!  Thank you mudpup!


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #125 on: August 26, 2005, 04:40:22 AM »
I haven't got much time at the moment, but I just had to say that the baboon thing was so funny! I am so tempted!!!

Thanks all, I'll be back later to read all your responses again....


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #126 on: August 26, 2005, 01:51:18 PM »
Hi Cadbury.  Sorry you're having to go through all this.  :( You are not alone in the shaking and being stunned speechless by the lies.  I feel the same way about my wife.  When I know that I'm going to see her to exchange mail, I feel phsyically sick and grumpy until it is over with.  And that is even with nothing particuarly bad happening, just that "air of superiority" that I can't stand anymore.  It's not fair, but we will be here for you.  Keep up the good work.

And I second mud's suggestion to send the baboon picture.  A much needed laugh for me also. :D

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #127 on: August 29, 2005, 04:30:49 PM »
Thank you all so much for your replies, you all help so much!

Well, I haven't sent a picture and he hasn't asked again. The last YIM conversation we had upset me so much that I did ask him to keep all communication to email. I said if he had any questions about *A* then I would answer them by email. He hasn't asked so he obviously isn't interested. I mean *A* is now nearly 15 weeks old. My ex hasn't seen him since he was 4 weeks old and that was only brief. Wouldn't you think he would have a million questions? If I leave *A* for an hour I have questions! #

It is all about power and control to him. He said in the last YIM conversation that I should think about what I want from him money wise and then ask him. I haven't asked because a) I really don't want anything from him, I would rather struggle on than ask him for money and b) he WANTS me to ask so that he has that power. Any man worth anything would just DO all these oh-so-helpful things he offers than keep talking about them. He is just talk and nothing more.

I have now been contacted by a mediator. In the UK in order to get legal aid, we have to try mediation first. I have told them that I cannot be in the same room as my ex as I am terrified of him. They were okay about it, but a little reticent as mediation works better when the two of you are face to face. I have thought long and hard about it and I just am too frightened to be in the same room as him. I don't know if others have had this happen (and I may start another post on this), but since I have been "free" of him in a physical sense, all the mental torture I suffered during the relationship has become worse, somehow. It's like I will suddenly remember something that happened and reel in shock over the awfulness of it. Whilst I was in the relationship, because bad things happened all the time, it was like they became normal. It is only now that life is truly normal again that I can actually see how bad some of the things were. I am so not ready to face him. Apparently I won't have to, but I am worried about the pressure.

I will keep you all posted. I am trying a new sleeping routine with *A* and I am shattered but hoping that things can only get better!

Take care ...


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #128 on: September 04, 2005, 02:36:56 PM »
Well, sleeping routine is getting better, *A* is now sleeping a little bit better than he was, so I am getting slightly more human!

My ex has just emailed me and it is like he is on another planet. The things he has done are so awful and then he writes an email as if nothing has happened. I would like to throttle him with my bare hands, but instead I have come on here to vent it all out! He has thanked me for agreeing to mediation, for a wonderful N quote we have :

"I am full of admiration for your noble deed of accepting to try mediation,..."

does anyone in the whole world speak like that? !! He is such a ......... fill in what you will! The whole tone of his email is grovelling and contrite, and it is purely that I know him so well that I can see straight through it. I think that is why I am angry, because I know it is just another of his games and other people probably won't see that. Well, all my friends and family will because they know him too, but arghhhhhhhhhh God it makes me so annoyed.

Well, it is just another chapter in a whole book of crap so here we go again....

Oh, he also says that he can deal with all the delays in seeing *A* as he doesn't want pressure to add to my strain etc and he has a whole life time to make it up. The very words "a whole lifetime" have made me sick to my stomach. I wish he would just go away.....

Thank you for letting me vent!


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #129 on: September 04, 2005, 04:47:34 PM »
let him think he has a whole lifetime. That way he won't be hurried.  And since we know he is not really interested in your little angel, maybe he will wait so long before really trying to have contact that the baby will grow up and be old enough to see through him.
He just said that to irk you.  Maybe he has slacked off because you are not providing the supply.  So please continue not providing the supply.  Just come up here and rant to us.  We understand.


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #130 on: September 04, 2005, 05:05:23 PM »
Thank you Plucky! When I think how far I have come since first finding this board last October/November I feel good. I was a total wreck, now I just get annoyed with his games. Well, occasionally I bawl my eyes out, but I think that's a good thing!

I think he will eventually pipe down, especially if I keep distant (as you said). I just wish it would happen NOW!!!

Thanks again... ranted out ...


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #131 on: September 04, 2005, 09:01:53 PM »

I found this web site about child custody and found some good advise there. There are some things about infants and the scheduling for visits as they get older.

Also, I found an expert who will mediate with the mediators about NPD. He will speak for you about what you should expect from the difficult dad. Im planning on paying him to give guidance to the mediators so I don't have to explain why I worry about what he may be willing to do to be hurtful or maybe even take her away because he wants to cause me hurt and pain.

And yes my H talks like this to me. I remember he was a big jerk told our D how she was not his, but he would always be her father.
like he deserved a gold metal for all his superior efforts, out of his good will, he would go ahead and be a responsible father.

I have to go but see if you can review some of the infomation about what others have done to get through the visitations.
I think you have to set up an Id, there are hundreds of stories. ............OR


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #132 on: September 04, 2005, 09:36:50 PM »
Thank you Plucky! When I think how far I have come since first finding this board last October/November I feel good. I was a total wreck, now I just get annoyed with his games. Well, occasionally I bawl my eyes out, but I think that's a good thing!

I think he will eventually pipe down, especially if I keep distant (as you said). I just wish it would happen NOW!!!

Thanks again... ranted out ...

I used to wish my ex would fall off the face of the earth. And the "Nobility" and "Martyrdom" of the Nex's is so far from the realities of their behavior...makes me want to puke. Of course they never get it.


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #133 on: September 05, 2005, 04:08:36 PM »
OR - I checked out that site and did a lot of reading. My only concern is that it wasn't a UK site and I think the laws may be slightly different. Mostly because we have a political group called "Father's for Justice" who are campaigning for Father's rights and they are kind of influencing the way access etc is being done at the moment. The weird thing is, until I met my ex I agreed with everything they said - I had absolutely no idea that there could exist people whose children would be better off never knowing them. This means that courts are being very favourable to fathers at the moment.

I want to say I am not against father's rights AT ALL. Just IDIOT father's rights! And idiot mother's rights for that matter!

Amethyst - they are so supercillious it makes me sick! They don't just have to have the last word, but also the best word and the most up-their-own-arse-word.

 I hate the way my ex writes things that make him appear so reasonable, when he is anything but. He has destroyed my family, my mother is a  nervous wreck from all his accusations and then he expects everyone to forgive him and act as though nothing has happened. When I had my ill-advised rant at him, he was honestly astonished that my family would think any bad of him. At least, by his own procrastination, he is putting off seeing my gorgeous boy all the time. I just wish I could protect him forever.


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Re: Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #134 on: September 05, 2005, 04:53:10 PM »

I believe the fathers rights group are here too. My H reads through this stuff and has let me know how he has this and that right and he plans on using them.

I found a 3rd party expert to voice the concerns dealing with NPD to the mediator. There is a strong need to educate the courts about NPD and other PD's. Yes a difficult parent and N or some other type has rights but when the children are not safe their rights should not be the same.

When you are talking about a normal person, that's different but Mental Illness, drugs, depression etc. that needs to be considered.

Most court systems only know the laws, we read more and more about deaths because of people who have mental problems.I worry every day because I must let my daughter have some contact with her dad because that's his right.

I feel if a 3rd party can teach us all how the courts should direct the judge and  mediators  in some precautions I will feel alot better. I know Im expected to follow all the rules and the courts will be able to see I will be the one they can trust. I believe they want to deal with people they can trust for the intrest of the child. Let the father show how he won't behave and go back to court and file until you get his rights taken away.

My D wants to visit her friends in CA not so much her dad but wants to be able to fly to CA and visit.
She THINKS she wants to try and see her Dad who she admits I need to be concerned about with his emotional problems while on many meds. She tells me he said: he only acted out of line becasue it was me who caused him to act this way. Im feeling unsure what to do in some ways I feel like she is being manipulating to get her way and the safety issue is not as big of a concern for her as it is for me.

I have to go ....................OR