hey david :}}
ive stayed out of this thread but id like to add that there were red flags for me too regarding the speed of this happening and also the seeming suggestion of simplicity in what it may do for you... it just doesnt really sound totally realistic... something is not right.. it just gave me a weird feeling and ive had enough bad experiences with therapists to know, that if they make a bad decision, its not their life... you are the one who is left to pick up the peices.... not them. i add my vote for moving very slowly and getting very clear about goals/outcomes etc before jumping in.
ive had years of therapy - and anytime ive ever tried to 'confront' my parents its been a disaster. even if i tell them straight out this is what my therapist says and ive been in years of therapy and they have never had any, therfore i might just know what im talking about, they still discount everything i say and call me crazy and a kook and hostile and you name it and its a huge scene and a disaster.
its true, you are doing this for *you*, not for them. they arent likely to change at all from this.
i also want to say, thta a few years ago, i was veyr low income and seeing a very inexperienced therapist that really didnt know what they were doing. this therapist had only seen me for a few weeks, and insisted i recontact my uncle that i hadnt talked to in years. this wasnt a confrontation, i liked my uncle, but the idea was to ask him if he had information about my childhood i may have forgotten. i felt weird and didnt want to do it. but the therapist insisted. so i wrote my uncle a letter asking what he knew about my childhood. well, two months later, he committed suicide.
i still dont know if it was related. but.... you know. i dont quite think that therapist knew what they were doing when they suggested that without enough facts and without any background in the whole story.
its just better to move slow i think and not get caught up in some therapists enthusiasm for dealing with stuff they may not really understand as well as they think they do.... so its good you are asking questions.
anyway ... take care
d's mom