When did someone last apologise to you and mean it?
Or when did you last apologise and mean it?
How many apologies have you heard that fall into categories two and three?just want to say someone has mailed me recently a really good article called "go ahead, say youre sorry" by a guy named aaron lazare phd from the jan/feb 1995 issues of Psychology Today.
i need to try and google it and see if i can link it here because its a good adjunct to the article above. maybe i can type some in but its really long. it says a lot of similar things.
when i last apologised: hopefully to mudpuppy or others here.
i also had the opportunity to apologise just a few days ago to delphine, before reading the article above. was glad to see i did it correctly. (i think)
she was writing a class assignment on something 'that emotionally changed her'. she told me she was writing about 'being left in ca' and asked me if i minded if 'she got really mad at me for a couple of pages'.
i told her not at all, then asked what exactly she was mad at, since weve never been able to talk much about her perceptions of what happened. (since we arent allowed to communicate.) she told me very reasonably she had been upset that noone had warned her or told her, she had just felt suddenly abandoned...... (something people here can relate to i =know=). (i hadnt known til the last minute either, and they had told me they would take care of her, stupid me i assumed that meant they would be emotionally supportive)

1) i told her i was so very sorry as her mother that things had gone the way they did..
2) i told her it had never ever ever been my intention to hurt her in any way.
3) i told her i was trying to do the very best i could for her, but had made a horrible mistake.
4) i told her that my understanding was that she would be enjoying herself with her grandparents, but i was wrong.
5) i told her that it had caused me a lot of pain and regret knowing that i had caused her pain.
6) and, (i was glad to see this was mentioned) i asked her what i could do to help make it better for her emotionally.
(she told me that i should just keep getting healthier and doing what im doing.)
after reading that article, i was glad to see, that i seemed to have intuitively included most of the elements in the article.
i hope, that she felt that was a sincere and appropriate apology and that its the beginning of us being able to talk about our feelings and work some of this through together appropriately. being forced to suppress her feelings, especially anger towards me and them, has made it so that none of this was 'ok' to talk about..... but im really glad that she is breaking out and expressing it, even at school, which i think is really brave and shows she is less ashamed.
now === apologies in the second category:
MY MOTHER! if only i could get a nice apology out of my mother. her apologies go like this:
me: mom, you know it really hurt me that dad was a drunk and you never seemed to protect us.
mom: well, you just liked to be bad. if you behaved better, things wouldnt have happened that way.
me: you know, i really wanted to go to art school and it really hurt me that even though i was accepted to several schools, it seems like during the divorce you just forgot about our education and let us flounder.
mom: well, you were a bad student. why should we send you to school when you were such a bad student.
(that wasnt true, i got straight a's until 10th grade when i just gave up trying and ran away from home.)
me:you know, i just feel like i was never loved as a child and felt as though i had no family and things were really awful for us.
mom:well, what do you expect me to do about it? it wasnt my responsibility. <<(huh?????)>> whose responsibility was it????
i cant explain to her that these reactions diminish me and make me feel worthless. she cannot see it. the most she can come up with is a kind of condescending, "well its really a shame -you- choose to feel that way". bleagh!!!!!
my father would rather have his arms cut off than apologise. and interestingly, i have told many people, that the number one thing i want from him, is an apology. if given the choice between a lot of money and a public apology in front of all our family and friends - i would reeeeeeeeeally like to get an apology.........
so many of us would be healed by a true real apology. it would help restore us.