(I -at least- have the decency of naming the person I am posting to...).
As said earlier, I am not gonna play games. I know what transferance is.
I will not post on this thread anymore and won't read your answer -if any on this thread either.
I will be away from this board for a while.
Good luck w/ your next therapist.
Whoever you have a problem with, believe me it is not me. I have respect for Myers Briggs, and I genuinely am what I said; INFP. I may not have said so here, but that is because I have other things going on that are taking all my energy, and I have none to spare for what is really a complex issue. Perhaps it was me connecting it with being Libra and a Rat? Well, some people believe in those things just as strongly as you believe in MB. What is wrong with that? I was answering all eventualities, as a lighthearted aside, but not actually putting any of them down, if you look.
I agree there is transferance happening here. Sometimes someone becomes like a lightning conductor for this to happen; I have had this happen before and it is familiar to me. But can you look at the words again and see that whatever you are feeling from me is not actually caused by my words; that is why I asked, where is the feeling coming from. Who
has made fun of you, or belittled what you say? It is not me, and I have not seen anyone else here do so, either.
What I can see is actually there is someone who is not as resilient as she wishes she were. And there I can empathise with you every step of the way. And I am on your side.
Go in peace.