You have just given me hope for our world's future
Oh, Lord, please don't let me do that. Our future is fairly doomed. I think my early realization of personal problems is a result of two factors.
The first is that I was aware at an extremely early age. I remember being kicked in the groin by my cousin on my second birthday, and remember almost every moment of being almost 3 and picking out a puppy (which I still have and is turning 16 in January). At the age of 6, I started developing personal philosophies. I lost total faith in God, got it back, lost it again, and then decided that it was impossible to know either way. I made every attempt to mature in hopes that it would help my situation, but it might have made things worse. I couldn't talk to anybody about anything that was important to me. After all, what normal second grader wants to have a conversation on the statement "I think, therefore I am?" (which, by the way, I decided I didn't buy, because that can only apply to one person, and doesn't explain the existence of others).
Secondly, it's not that I don't think everyone else is crazy. I know everyone else is crazy, so why should I be exempt from this assumption? I just know the only person I can really try to fix is myself. I'm my own worst critic, and I figure if I can be the same type of crazy as everyone else, maybe I'll be a bit happier with life.
Either way, thanks for the compliment.