Author Topic: N Mother's Guilt Trips  (Read 1399 times)


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N Mother's Guilt Trips
« on: September 21, 2005, 08:29:52 PM »
Okay, I think I'm improving on dealing with my N Mother. 

The latest, enclosed are the email exchanges.  She left me a vmail (not a week ago, a couple days more like) and I wrote the following email so I didn't have to call her: 
I got your vmail and am sorry to hear both you and your dog are under the
weather.  I wish you both get well soon.
She Replied:

We are both ok now I called you about a week ago I don't think you
understood my message I asked you a question about my dog I know I was all
stuffed up so you probably didn't understand my message. I waited for your
return call about 15 minutes than when you didn't call I called the animal
emergency. They told me to watch her through out the night and if she
continued the listlessness and whining to bring her in in the morning, also
to try and make her drink water so filled my hand and she did drink some. My
question to you and them was can they catch the flu/cold from humans being I
was sick first and if so what should I do. They pretty much said they get
sick just like humans do but they didn't think she caught it from me. I
stayed up with her all night and she finally stopped the crying thing, she
slept off and on. She ate the next morning and drank water from the dish, so
I felt she would be ok, I on the other hand was beat. We both felt better a
few days later.

Thanks for your concern.

My reply:

Thanks for the update.  Glad you are both are feeling better. 
That was a couple days ago.  She has not responded.  I think it works not to respond to her the way she desires.  What do you think?

Also, after making such a big stink about how she was cheated out of a dance from my husband at our wedding 6 years ago (something she decided to throw in my face this summer, something she'd been brooding on for the past 6 years, even though we were sorta busy at our wedding and if she wanted a dance she could've peeled herself out of the bar for five mins and be around, instead of boozing with her buddies, plus, the day wasn't about her) she managed to forget our anniversary. 


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Re: N Mother's Guilt Trips
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 10:48:33 PM »
dabeck, you sound like a healthy person who deals very kindly and diplomatically with your mom.  Good job, your interchange could be a model for mature adult child/parent relationships.


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Re: N Mother's Guilt Trips
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2005, 01:35:51 PM »
by george, i think you've got it!
doesn't it feel nice?  doesn't it feel right?  you don't need anyone to tell you, right?