Went to church then to the fair, had lots of fun.
SIL, asked me what was in the letter, BIL would not tell her, only I was not letting D read it.
No way I could tell her! I quickly told some truths but not the main most hurtful one.
I told BIL, SIL asked me what was said. He said "tell me again what EX said",
he said "EX had the wrong town"
I have known BIL 29 yrs, no surprize!!! But NEVER with me...
I went to school with SIL, and would never hurt her. I'ts not by Biz, and all the same not my 12yr olds.
Marta : EX already tried this one............Big joke......didn't work.
your D that you are the woman BIL is having an affair with!!
With her, the game is just beginning. She’s sweet, she’s vulnerable, above all, she wants his love, wants to believe in his goodness; she is only twelve. I wouldn’t expect him to go away anytime soon, if at all. Think of how many decades it takes for most of us to severe ties with our N families.
Today I had both D and BIL together to agree if D reads any thing that concerns his family to speak only to him, not to talk about such things to his wife or kids................
D says mom, "dad hasn't sent her anything like that and not to worry".
I wouldn’t count on him playing by the rules of the court, even if he is forced into supervised communication. He’ll find a way to pull D more and more into this sick game of hide and seek and coded communications.
I will remind her and the courts EX is not to share information about his brother.
If he finds away to continue with this type of attack, I will ask the court to consider a contempt of court.
I learned not to be his supply, all I can do is give my D the same and better tools as fast as possible.
Im stubborn to and he will have a fight on his hands. I never had support growing up, but she does.
I never knew what an N was until 1yr ago. I do now ...........The more I learn about this sickness the harder I want to fight for her safety.
He left you alone because he saw that there is no possibility of any supply from you
I know this is so true, I used to believe ex, just had alot of bad luck......I think now he makes a lot of bad decisions. I see how much others are trying to help him but he is choosing no compromise, not willing to come here to see his daughter. After awhile people just give up accept N's make bad choices.
They must poison everything that is good and loving and nurturing in this world; that is how they find the fuel to carry on and their only satisfaction out of life.
I guess this means my D needs to learn how to put up boundries, so she won't be N supply.
MP: You know this is very helpful, fathers court their daughters, meaning they pursue them not to be a boyfriend, but little girls want to be wanted. They want their fathers to want them so the father brings them gifts or shows them they are desireable.
If this person were not her father, you would have NO hesitation. He has not preserved the right to have unmonitored contact with this young girl because he is not trustworthy and not looking out for her (the true child) interests. The password thing is creepy. To twist his logic around, if a normal father/daughter relationship doesn't have anything to hide, why is he hiding from her mother? Would you trust a boyfriend who didn't like her to be open with her parents
I didn't catch the password thing at first, I wrote on the letter what the password is. I don't think she pays that much attention. I don't know if she e-mailed him, she may not read that close and didn't catch that he wanted her to e-mail him with the password. If she asks me about writing the password I may tell her and if she doesn't she knows what to type. She receives 3-4 a week and gets board with them. She must have 1 million necklaces, and little 1 dollar gifts. Im hoping she will think she didn't see the password at first, and later if he asked she as an answer. It won't matter on Tuesday the court will have the letter in question.
I will then explain the password thing. I just want a little time and have him off gaurd when he goes to court.
dad's expectations of her and hopefully she is relieved to have your protection.
As time goes on I hope she will be strong in this belief, I know when I was young sometimes I did not feel this way with my N-mother. I want her to have this deep inside that she is protected and loved.
Thanks for all your support...............OR