October, I think you may be just a right as anyone on this. But it's such an interesting concept....
Ironically, I had a long talk with an old friend last night who has been through hell and back again. I won't go into her story, but it was every educator's nightmare and involved the courts and the media. It was the worst thing this particular person, as true an advocate for children if ever I met one, could possibly go through. Anyway, she came through it all right, not after her career was trashed, etc....and now she has a better/more fulfilling job that she loves....etc. all things actually working out to her benefit.
So, since I am still in a challenging situation, I was asking her about this very thing....positive thinking and did she think it had any effect on her outcome. And I must add, that she was not "Miss Positive" during this whole thing. She felt her pain and expressed it heartily!
She said, (in retrospect, of course) that of the three WORST things that could've happened to her (media coverage, carreer lost, jail) two happened, and the last (jail) probably never would have (there was such a public outcry as it was).
What she was aware of, was that she NEVER entertained the thought that jail would happen for her, and she said she ALWAYS knew she would be exonnerated (sp?). Now, that doesn't mean she was happy during this time....she was miserable, just beyond words. But she said she made friends with pain.....learned to just be IN it and accept it. She said she figured out that if she felt it fully, she could get through it, and if not, it would still be there, waiting for her. Mind you, she does not study Buddhism, or read any "positive thinking" stuff....this is just what she figured out for herself...
OH< but she DID seek psychotherapy. And that made a huge difference in her being able to put things in perspective (ok, so she did have help with this).
Anyway, the image of a POSITIVE outcome NEVER vanished for her. The road there was awful, but she did get there. So hey, whether that is a testimony to positive thinking or not, I don't know.
And yes, there are plenty of unworthy (IMO) people who are very successful. My ex won the first court case against me....but I have no doubt, that he never let into his head that I would actually win. And I was a wreck with the possibility of losing...and I did.
I DO know that if I SAY I won't do something (like eat meat) it won't happen BECAUSE OF MY ACTIONS in keeping with that intention. So maybe it works that way with anything. OF COURSE just saying and wishing does nothing.....but visualizing it, saying it and then ACTING in accordance with those beliefs WILL bring you a better chance of success than saying "I doubt it".