Dear Vunil:
Just read through this whole thread and first.....I'm so sorry that your parents are making this so hard for you. They should be helping, not upsetting you, respecting your wishes, not battling with you about them, giving you peace and time to rest, not causing this confusion and using your energy to try to resolve it. I'm so sorry but I agree that these people are not acting to your benefit right now. I'm glad you've decided to to hire someone to help you.
and find a way to let my parents off the hook, nicely, so that we can go back to our separate lives
is very generous of you, considering many people would be tempted to just tell them straight up to ship out pronto, no worry to their feelings. You really are a very considerate and loving daughter and I'm so sorry that your parents do not recognise this, acknowledge it and value it.
Something struck me when you wrote this:
... I am done with the really terrible NPD men I used to crave, because finally I trust myself when I have that uncomfortable feeling, that off balance sense of being disapproved of (combined with this strong desire to win the approval and relief when I am able to do it-- that addiction to the positive feedback that is hard to come by...
Could this be a result of what you crave but never received from your parents? Might you be reliving it with men....trying to resolve the need/s your parents didn't fulfill??
It seems to me you have uncomfortable feelings around your parents, that they send you off balance and that you get a sense of being constantly disapproved of and possibly you have a strong desire to win their approval (as any daughter would) but there is no relief because you have not been able to do it. Everything you do, in their eyes, is not approved, acknowledged, valued.
Dear are doing a fantastic job!! You have expressed how much you wish to be the kind of parent you didn't have...for your sweet baby girl (oops!

Forgot to say:
I mean are going to be a wonderful mother. You have shown great patience and consideration and DESIRE to be a wonderful mother.....all absolutely necessary for that to happen.
And it will happen......regardless of their lack of approval, which in the long run Vunil, do you really need it? I know I would want it.....want to be acknowledged and approved etc but they are JUST NOT CAPABLE of approving your mothering, any more than they are of your thriving and surviving in this world, and of your many wonderful contributions and good traits. You are thriving and surviving Vunil!! You will continue to try and succeed at mothering your beautiful baby daughter and you WILL acknowledge and value her, nurture and love her, and care for her the best way you possibly can.
I wish I could instill the deep feeling of being loved and valued in you, that your parents SHOULD have instilled, but I don't think I can. Your child will give you plenty of that, as she grows and you will return those very great and powerful feelings. Maybe you can let your parents drift off into their own world while you focus on that of your darling child and your own. That is a wonderful thing!
Stick to your guns girl. Don't let these people mess things up any further. Send them on their way and get on with raising your lovely daughter, and continue doing a better job than them (which you are already doing because you CAN stand your child crying....if it is reasonable at the time. Infants have no other way of releasing tension and will cry when they need to and you WILL stand it and not put YOUR NEEDS ahead of your infant's, like your mother did and still does... with not just you but now....your child. You WILL do a fantastic job compared to that!! I just know it!!!