What do you do when...?
Autumn, you do what you just did......you reach out.
Good for you! It's not nice or easy to bare your soul like that. That took great courage. Please keep posting. You are not alone here. Lot's of people here are with you.
It's like a negative revolving circle isn't it? You feel bad about yourself and so your relationships reflect that....they don't work out.......then you feel worse. Round it goes.

There is a way to reverse the circle.

These feelings about yourself come from thoughts about yourself. The way to change the direction of the circle and to feel better is to.......think......better.

Does that sound too simple? I'm sure it does but it's not really. It's tough to do but doable. All of these negative thoughts you have about yourself have taken time to evolve and have been repeated over and over until they have taken hold. To reverse that.....you must forcefully think positive thoughts about yourself, over and over many times until THEY take hold.
Here's one good thought you can think about yourself, which is evidenced by the fact that you have shown courage and reached out here:
"I am brave."
Are you attracted to people who are down, who feel really yucky about themselves, who feel hopeless? Probably not, right? In order to attract people who are up, who feel good about themselves, who are hopeful.......you have to be those things. It takes great effort and determination, which you may think you don't have.
Decide to change that thought.
"I am determined to work toward feeling happy, feeling good about myself and having hope. This will take effort, on my part, which I am willing to invest."
Over and over.
You are in charge of your thoughts. You can choose to put a stop to those negative thoughts that are dragging you down. As soon as a negative thought starts.....tell yourself:
"No. I'm not thinking that anymore. I've decided to feel good about me."
And get up, move, do something else, post here, find an activity to keep your mind busy.....crossword puzzle, read a book, write down all the things in the world you like, one happy memory, whatever it takes to get your brain focussed on something positive.
After awhile, you will find those negative thoughts don't spring into your head so easily and when they do.....you can easily put a stop to them. Then you can choose to think good things and feel better. Eventually, you will be happier, most of the time, think reasonably well of yourself, feel hopeful about the future and that.....will attract others who are similar. The outcome might be that one...very good friend you want so badly but even if it isn't.....you will be in a much better state.
Hope this helps some. I know it's not easy and it seems impossible but the bottom line is.....
no one else can control what you think and your thoughts have an immense effect on your feelings.
Once you do a little of this and see for yourself, you will be on your way toward change for the better.