Author Topic: Help, I Am Married to the Devil  (Read 5950 times)


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Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« on: October 10, 2005, 01:08:26 AM »
I feel so hurt and so stupid! I married a man who I thought that I knew relatively well that grew up in the same neighborhood that I did and went to the same small college with me.  I had recently lost a tremendous amount of weight due to Gastric Bypass Surgery and had just had excess skin removed and was feeling good about myself for the first time in years.  Then He came into my life.  I thought that this man was going to be my knight in shinning armour, but he was the devil in disguise.  I should have recognized that I had made a mistake in marrying this man when two days after our marriage, I found out that he was continuing to have a relationship with a woman he had dated prior to me.  He claimed that this woman was just a "friend", but I found pictures of him and her in sexually suggestive pictures. I stayed with him only to find out that this was just the tip of the iceberg with the kind of deceit that I would eventually deal with.  This man has cheated and lied to me our entire relationship. To make things worse, he began to be very verbally and physically abuse.  I have been called every name in the book and so has my family, he has thrown me out of the house in my pajamas on several occasions, has broken my nose and my hand.  I finally had enough of the abuse and had him arrested and obtained a protective order through the court thinking that his behavior would change.  After being jailed for nine days, he came out professed his love for me and promised to change.  This all sounded wonderful, but later I found out that it was the beginning of a sinister plot.  This man pretended that he had changed only to emotionally, verbally torture me later.  When the physical abuse started again, fed up, I finally fought back and put a small scratch on his face.  HE, The Abuser, called the police and concocted a story to have ME arrested, he then went and got a protective order against ME, he was able to manipulate the police and the court system to do to me what he said I had done to him.  Then after he got the protective order, he called the police again and filed a false police report claiming that I assaulted him and vandalized his house. This was a complete and total lie, I had finally decided not to ever talk to him again and I filed for a divorce. He made the false report because I wouldn't return or answer any of his many calls.  Now I wasn't arrested for the false allegations that he put into the police report, but I have had to be interviewed by the police and I have to submit to a polygraph exam and go to court for "assault" that he claims that I did to him! I feel as if I am trapped in a nightmare.  I feel like this is some sick movie of the week that I am the star of! I am so worried and stressed about all of the upcoming legal "stuff".  However that is not the worse part, I am making this post because this is the only forum that I can admit this to.  I still love this psyco, I miss him terribly and I don't know why because he has made my life a living hell!  There has to be something wrong with me!  Please give me some feedback, I need help with why I allow people to get close to me only to hurt me as much as they possibly can.
GOD Bless, Stay Encouraged!


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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2005, 10:08:09 AM »

Sorry to see you here & have to read what you are going through, but anyway, as they say - welcome to the club.  Hope you are reading everything you can about Narcissitic Personality Disorder and psychopathic abusers.  Lot of good stuff on this board & on the web, Google is a great tool.  Best advise I can give at this time is call a dv hotline for advise, get a good attorney, and get into therapy pronto!  (make sure the tharapists is expert in dv and personality disorder issues)

Sallying Forth

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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2005, 02:55:04 PM »
So sorry you are going through such hell.  (((((((((((((((dstessence)))))))))))))))

Run out and get the book Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft and read it from cover to cover. You will gain a wealth of information and understand what is going on and how to get help yourself.

Keep reading here and you'll learn lots too. Wonderful caring people here.

Welcome to the board!
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 11:25:19 PM »
I am so glad you posted here and that you are taking this seriously.  This man has physically abuse you-- this is very serious stuff.  Do you have a therapist? I think that you are right to really see this as an emergency, something to be tackled right now.  You need him out of your life and you need to get to a place where you truly see him for what he is, and see your own worth (which he does not see).  We can help but it will probably take other stuff, too, individual work.

Hang in there!  Recognizing the devil is the first step...


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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2005, 11:54:07 PM »

The man you are with is a classic N. He's accusing YOU of doing what he's been doing to you. Not just that, he is able to manipulate the system and turn the tables against you. I am so sorry that you have to go through this; it must be really frustrating to be trapped and conned like this.

Our feelings are not like switch that we can turn on and off. Further more, I bet that you come from a somewhat dysfunctional family, so may be you are used to accepting abuse as "no big deal," "he's trying but can't help himself," "if only you love him more, he'll change." May be you are hoping deep down that this is a crime of passion and he'll come to your place with roses one night and apologize and say that he didn't really mean it. May be he'll do that too, but it will be a lie!!!!! As you  get to know narcissistic personalities better, you realize that they love no one except themselves, and can go to any lengths to further their agenda.

Getting yourself a therapist and a lawyer will be a really good idea. Take care of yourself,




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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 08:42:51 AM »
Welcome dstessence,
There are many root causes for domestic violence abusers--none of them healthy, but some of them can be helped with therapy and support groups.  Your h may be n, or he may have other issues, but no matter what, you need to get help for yourself to realize and accept that this behavior and treatment of you is unacceptable. 

Are there children involved?  If so, you need to be out of the relationship for no other reason than your children are being severely damaged by witnessing or being a part of his abusive behaviors.

As Awen said, please contact a dv hotline and find a safe place to go where he cannot contact you.  You need some professional help for both your emotional health and to deal with the legal and financial issues of getting out of this marriage.  With good therapy, you will find out why you have allowed someone who professes to love you, to continue to hurt you.

It will be a long journey to healing, but there is hope of a brighter future for you (and children if there are any) if you choose to step away from the relationship and start healing your damaged self.  I hope you can find the strength and will to do that because you deserve much better.

Many blessings,



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Re: Help, I Am Married to the Devil
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 01:47:52 PM »
Welcome to our club, dstessence! You are in the right place. Your H sounds like he is an N to the T- no doubt in my mind. There is usually some kind of abuse, neglect/abandonment issues in an Ns past- but they have no conscience and are not capable of learning ethics, love etc. My experience and opinion. Working in psych for 20 yrs, every- not a generalization- pretty much written in stone in my experience- N will use therapy/counselling/charges etc as more acting classes to mimic remorse etc and then will- again written in stone, con you into accepting the abuse and pretext of " change". The old "honeymoon" deal/or abuse( if you no longer have what they need at the moment, or is apparent you're done with their bullshit or finally have support who trust you and and assist you with cutting them off completely)- Ns thrive on abusing you just as much as conning you back into dysfunctional mode of rationalizing their abuse and believing YOU are responsible for it. Cutting them off completely is the only way to guarantee they'll get bored and move on to next victim. Easier said than done, I know; esp, as usually by the time you're at your breaking point or your lowest low, if you're still with them- you become terrified of prospect of losing them/being alone. We have become addicted to their abuse- is often familiar to us based on childhood or prior abuse. The old, we all do what we know, regardless of feedback and support from healthy others and our own inner voice, that we tend to be so good at stifling. Chaos and pain and self abuse by enduring N torture are old friends. We also have so much low self esteem that we don't believe we are worthy of the best. We often have no clue even what that looks like. I finally have gotten rid of- for good- my exN. After kicking him out in June, I re engaged in dysfunctional contact hoping that we could have some kind of civil pretext of friendship- only to continue allowing him- 'actually, being really honest, I allowed myself to be abused"- to destroy what little remained of myself. I started getting feedback from several young vulnerable women in NA mtgs. who told me of all manner of predatory cold calculating behaviour all designed to get what he wants- sex--. I gave him the feedback that he might want to examine his behavoiur as women were now talking about it and it's not secret anymore. One thing about addicts is that they're extremely good at spotting bullshit and twisted behaviour. Big mistake on my part- showing him I still had some kind of misplaced trust and empathy for him- and it opened the door for some major abuse. He announced in my home group of NA last week" that he couldn't attend this mtg. anymore because it had come his attention that SOMEONE is spreading malicious lies slandering his good name. Everyone who knows me knows this is completely unfounded. "THIS PERSON is telling EVERYBODY that I've been sexually inappropriate with 4 women. I  have spoken with a lawyer and he's advised me I have a solid case, so I'm launching a lawsuit against this person". I was not surprised and in fact llaughed to myself when he trotted this out! Several months ago I would be entertaining homicidal fantasies and be up all night pacing the flloor. Total waste of energy on my part, and only torturing myself and hanging on to and nurturing toxicity. Suddenly had an epiphany that he is striking back at me, punishing me for " once again accusing him of things he's not doing and I'm the liar"- and for the first time I feel sorry for him. He is completely incapable of change and is using this program as source of new N supply and a whole new audience to con so he can bleed them dry. Feels good to have this shift in my " anger management problems"- hee hee!! He is permafucked- pardon my French!- and will remain a predator and loser the rest of his life( is 52). I'm sure however that he will for some short period of time, continue to harass me. I have no positive feelings towards him other that pity, and have finally realized this was never " love"- rather my co dependent " being in love with the idea of love". Old familiar pattern of mine. Have healthy friends in my life and see a marvelous shrink who treat personality disorders as well as specializing in bipolar- finally learning skills to change and understand my self destructive choices. Keep posting. You are not losing your mind- althugh his behavoiur is designed to make you believe that and, often, very convincingly- to have others totally buy into his bullshit. Ns specialize in crazy making attacks and are consumate liars in everything they say. Hang in! I fouond it helpful to post a list of some of the more painful and heinous examples of his behaviur towards me on my phone, door and computer. Then I read it and am reminded of the cold harsh facts- helpful in preventing me responding.  Moira   PS- I apologize for my usual Faulknerian grammer!!
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira