Author Topic: Why do MEN STRAY??  (Read 4918 times)

David P

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Re: Why do MEN STRAY??
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2005, 03:34:08 AM »
Gail, thanks for that reply - I have no intention of getting involved with Viv. She is just someone who came along who was 'hunting' like 'those men' who took such a pasting from the girls on this forum. I told the story of Viv to explore the issue from the other side of the fence.
The ladies who posted a reply are very consistent and even-handed in their view of married people 'cruising' .


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Re: Why do MEN STRAY??
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2005, 03:08:30 PM »
....these men (feel) that they do not matter to their wives as much as they used to or as much as they want to. They seem to feel undervalued, unappreciated and many times exploited.

Sorry to say, this sounds like a fish story to me.  An excuse to cruise.  I don't buy it for a minute.

As to the guys Mud says just loose their brains.........another fish story, I think.  These people may not admit the truth of why they behave the way they do but that doesn't erase the obvious.

If a person loves another person and is married to them........they will go to the ends of the earth to solve problems.
If, on the other hand, a person is married to someone they don't love.........why bother?

Skip on to the next conquest and make any suitable excuse going.   I think these types view marriage as disposable, after a period of time, and they see nothing wrong with going into it with that intention in the back of their minds.  There is no real love.  And certainly, no sacrifice (that Mud mentioned somewhere on another thread, I think Vunil started it about how to know about real love???).  People like this do not know how to love, if you ask me.  They're in marriage for what THEY can get out of it...and once that doesn't seem quite as yummy as they once thought...they simply move on the the next tastey morsel.

So, so sorry Carla that your husband has done this.   Soon you'll be glad to be free of him and his selfishness.
