Hi Everyone,
My ex seemed to idolise his mother, who had brought him up on her own. I never met her because she lived abroad, but boy did she look tough in her photo!
Even in my addicted (to him) and unquestioning state of mind, it struck me as strange, because he told me that even when he was in his late teens, she would still check that he had cleaned his teeth.(On some days during our r/ship, he would tell me that he had not cleaned his teeth that morning, because as his mother was not nearby he didn't 'have to.')
He also told me that when he was a teenager, if he brought a new girlfriend to his home, his mother would sometimes tell the girl not to get too excited about him, because she was just the latest in a long line! (Is this Mum sabotaging something, or speaking the truth, or basking in her son's ability to charm the pants off anybody?)
Is this kind of idealisation, mingled with a fear of being controlled, a familiar pattern? (And incidentally I've just remembered that in the phase of our r/ship when my ex thought I was the most wonderful angel he'd ever met, he ALSO used to accuse ME of controlling him.)
Sending love to everyone here,