This is such an interesting topic, and "topical" as well, as I am getting married on Sunday.
The person I am marrying is definately not an N (well, glad I finally figured that one out!).
Vunil, I am not sure what I have to say will help you in any way, but here goes.
I don't think there is one formula. I don't think there is a way to figure it out, have all the work done ahead of time, etc etc.
There IS a lot of faith in the "unknown" involved.
When my fiance and I first fell in love, way back when, in college, right away, we knew something was up that we had nothing to do with. As if our love was extremely ancient, and inevitable. When I left him four years later (we were engaged), and didn't speak to him for 22 years, I also knew that I was not "home" in any sense of the word. I had two fantastic children, and I am their home to be sure, but as far as a being "home" in my heart or my heart being home to someone else I assumed it would never exist for me. Maybe by home I mean safe, pure, without any fear....
A huge part of that, was simply my path....the things I needed to experience, to learn about myself and how to be true to that self. Sure, it involved a few N's....but nonetheless, the learning had to be. And I learned, and I got to a space, as you did,
Vunil, where I knew why I had made the "awful" choices I had before, and most importantly, I chose to love myself, something I never really did well before that.
When my fiance and I re-connected, a few years ago, it was again, "something bigger than us", (God perhaps) and although the story could fill a book, we are "home" again. I thought about him for almost a year, without speaking to him, but thinking about him, feeling his kindness, seeing his face every day in my mind, not knowing that he was doing the same. I didn't know it at the time, but we both were creating "us" again, without being aware of it, almost through thought and energy.
I think, Vunil, now you are in such an amazing space, personally, You are opening up to the universe, that you are healthy and strong, not needy, but simply "ready" to share your beautiful life with someone wonderful.
It IS a big mystery how it all happens, but not really....I think it's all about energy, and faith. You put out energy with your expectations, and life steps up to meet those....and then you have faith, that the universe, or God, is loving, and wants to present you with what you need. And it will.
Just so you don't think it's all "wishing and hoping" (huge, though), I would add that when you expect something, yet are not SO attached to getting it that you are unhappy in the meantime (oooh, that would just send out contradictory negative energy)...that you will begin to act in accordance with your intentions. That's the way it works, I think.... if there is such a "way"...