I had a couple of thoughts while walking today.
I was thinking that X BF and I had very similar treatment by an N parent, yet he became an N himself and I became one willing to put up with the abuse of N's. BF probably is genetically predisposed to be a very independent person, so mistreatment pushed him to the point where that independence became extreme and morphed into narcissism. My temperament is to be more compliant and sensitive, so the mistreatment pushed me to become too accomodating and willing to take abuse--losing myself in the process.
I know BF made a conscious decision not be affected emotionally by anything that didn't directly affect him. He verbalized that to me several times. He told me that is something didn't directly affect him, he wouldn't let his emotions be touched. That included child rape and murder, and the extreme suffering caused by the recent natural disasters. I used to think it was just a show, but now I think he really was able to remain untouched by others' suffering.
He thought of himself, though, as a very "enlightened" person. To him, that meant being completely unattached to any outcome, including the outcome of our relationship. But, if he thought someone was disrespecting or inconveniencing him in any way, that would trigger strong emotion.
It's so sad because we could have had a good life together. I know he was badly hurt as a child, but I've faced that I can't fix him. I still have the kernel of hope that someday a lightbulb will go off for him, but I don't expect it. I've got to build a life for myself without him in it.
As hard as it is, I'm grateful that my pain led me to this site, because I'm putting a lot of pieces together. One thing I don't want to do anymore is to expose myself to unnecessary suffering because of foolish choices driven by old wounds.