Author Topic: What to do when denial stops?  (Read 3282 times)


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Re: What to do when denial stops?
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2005, 09:08:37 PM »
Wow, Mud!

My ex husband is doing that.  He'll call me really horrible names and then the next day call me with a question like nothing bad passed between us at all.  He used to send me the most horrific e-mails, too, until I blocked his e-mail address.   Same thing--Then, he'd expect me to treat him pleasantly, like nothing was wrong.

It's good to know other people experience something similar. (Not that I'd wish this on anyone!)  :D   It helps me see that this is a wierd pattern of behavior, and it's normal to feel disoriented by it.


Sallying Forth

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Re: What to do when denial stops?
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2005, 09:22:26 PM »
Gail, that is normal behavior for an abuser. They act like anything they did or said yesterday or the day before is null and void. They're over it so why aren't you! That is because they never feel anything about it. After all it doesn't affect their life. However it does affect yours.

This was the one thing in Why Does He Do That? which finally made a lot of things make perfect sense. The perp isn't affected by anything they do or say and they think it is that way for you too.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: What to do when denial stops?
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2005, 11:28:03 PM »
What's strange is that I didn't consider XH abusive when we were married.  In 24 years, he did not raise his voice to me even one time.  I was the one who would occasionally yell when I just couldn't take the passive aggressiveness anymore or cracked because of exhaustion.  During the last few years of our marriage, though, I came to understand that abuse comes in different forms.  Once I made the decision to divorce him, he became very verbally abusive.  I think he accused me of every possible bad character trait in the book, while hiding his infidelities.  Three years later, he's still calling me names.  I hang up on him immediately when he starts, blocked his e-mails, and do my best to keep him out of the house. 


miss piggy

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Re: What to do when denial stops?
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2005, 01:34:05 AM »
Wow, mudpup,

your reply was a real kick in the gut (of remembrance) for me.  My brother was almost as bad.  He didn't call me names, but did everything to convince me how weird I was, and acted in just utter contempt of me almost all the time.  I was completely worthless.  When I did try to lift my head, I was ridiculed for even trying.  And that was our reality.  Me Big Important Brother.  You completely worthless It (that is, when I notice you.)  Of course, there was no intervention by either parent.

I didn't hate my family.  I just wanted to be accepted by them.  Now I never feel like I belong anywhere. 



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Re: What to do when denial stops?
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2005, 12:58:54 AM »
I didn't hate my family.  I just wanted to be accepted by them.  Now I never feel like I belong anywhere. 
Hugs, MP, lots of hugs.
I know this feeling.  Most of my family did not accept me either.  And as you're saying, I usually don't feel I belong anywhere.  I travelled a lot, to find that place I guess, and I did not find it.  The only place that has felt like home is up here.  And at times I even feel I ought to disappear from here, too!
Try to remember that you are unique in the universe.  The universe would not be complete without you.  I personally am glad you exist!  And you belong in my world.
That goes for you too!