Author Topic: Do you ever feel ashamed?  (Read 4969 times)


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Do you ever feel ashamed?
« on: October 24, 2005, 03:38:45 PM »
I've been away for a while trying to deal with stuff ... :)

This post stems from people asking me about my ex. I have kept most of the things that happenend totally private, only telling my best friend a few things when I just had to get it off my chest. I think most of the reason I keep it all in, is that I am so ashamed that I let him do so much before I even started to question it. I can remember feeling so confused by his behaviour and where I would normally have walked away, something kept me trying with him. I kept doing everything he said so he would still love me, with no concept of what he was or why he was doing it.

I feel as though if I told people some of the things that went on in the relationship they would think I was insane for staying so long. I have been luckier than others on this board in that the relationship only lasted 9 months, but they were the most intensely awful 9 months of my life.

I just wondered why I put up with it? What went wrong with me that I thought his love was worth so much? I am finding it harder to understand lately... it has been a year since we broke up, but I am having to deal with him as I have his baby. I just don't understand why I would let someone behave so terribly towards me. I am deeply ashamed.

He used to tell me that he would not have sex with me and use protection as I was finally a woman he felt was intelligent enough to have his baby. He told me it was our duty to have a baby together, for the benefit of the human race (yes, he really said that! I bet you're all glad now you know how safe your futures are!! :) ). It took 7 months for me to fall pregnant and every month when I got my period he would tell me that I had deliberately miscarried his baby and if I truly loved him I would stop doing that. When I did get pregnant he just smiled and told me to carry on making the dinner. Then a month later he left.

He forced me to do things sexually that make me feel ill to even think about now. I have never told anyone this, and I warn you it is gross, so if you don't want to know - look away now: he peed in my mouth once without warning and when I gagged he told me that I couldn't love him or I would love the taste of his pee!! It sounds funny, but it was awful. I feel bad now because I can emember at the time almost being willing to try and like it so he would still love me...

There are lots of other things, but they run along the same lines. I used to read about people in abusive relationships and think they were mad to stay there. That they should get out and save themselves... I had no concept of how it happens. I feel such a deep shame that I put up with it and tried so hard to understand him and do every insane thing he asked of me to keep him. I can't talk to people I know as they wouldn't understand. I don't understand it myself. It is like it is worse now that I am by myself again and true to myself again than it was at the time.

I also treated people in ways I would never have treated them before, I didn't have time for my friends and family (who I am very close to) just because he said so... I feel so bad about it all, I don't understand... :(

Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry to be so rambling but I am so full of crap I just don't get .... thanks for any help :)


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 04:06:24 PM »
You have nothing to be ashamed of hon.  You were controlled and manipulated by someone who was supposed to love you unconditionally.  That is not something to be ashamed off.  You went along with it because you wanted him to love you and wanted to make him happy.  I feel this is something that many of us can relate too.

You are away from him now and you can bring this baby up in an honest and loving environment and give this baby what it deserves, which isn't him.

All the best hon xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 04:13:32 PM »
Wow!  I think it's great that you got out after only 9 months!  Leaving a relationship can be really awful, and with a child not anything to take lightly.  You'll see from reading posts on this board that most of stayed in a bad relationship a lot longer than you did.  Many of us are in our 40's or 50's and just now facing how terribly we let people treat us. 

I think you must be a very strong person to leave when you did.

Thank God you only had one with the guy. 

Those feelings of shame can be hard to deal with.  Unfortunately, that's the legacy of abuse, but it can be overcome.  You are a courageous person and that's something to be proud of.

Also, abusers like your ex will isolate their victims from their friends and families.  It's deliberate, cruel, and very common.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2005, 06:05:12 PM by Gail »


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 04:32:52 PM »
I think you are heroic. Naming shame is an awesomely powerful thing to do. When you can NAME your feeling "shame" begins to lose its power. Because it's not a feeling we should ever linger in. I remember someone on TV saying something that hit me like a ton of bricks:
"Guilt" is a normal appropriate human feeling that simply means, "I have made a mistake, so now I want to do what I can to amend it."
(Toxic) "Shame" is a feeling: "I am the mistake."

I also was debased in a relationships with Ns. I am sure there are moments like that, sexual and otherwise, in so many, many recovering people's lives. But that's the are seeing it (even if in hindsight) and you are naming it for what it was, so you are RECOVERING.

Your baby is a lucky angel, because you will know how to teach your child what is whole and what love is. Because you've come to have insight about what it is not. (Like so many of us.) Doesn't matter that you learned it the hard way. Doesn't matter at all. Only that you did.

There is NO shame in having done what felt automated. How about a dawning sense of glowing self-esteem that you're not on autopilot any more? I hope that comes, grows solid, and anchors in your every cell.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 06:10:51 PM »
give yourself a break.  You were caught off guard by someone who has made his life's work the manipulation and humilation of others.  He is a criminal, and you are the former victim.   You had no prior experience with this type of crime, so it took a few months to catch on.  But you quickly did, and you got out, and importantly, got your baby out.

I think you are courageous and strong.   This experience was a learning one and the lasting effects will be that you will never be blind to this type of abuse again. This is knowledge you can pass on to your child.

You are now healing and living through the hurt.  Many crime victims blame themselves, for some reason.   I know I have.  But try to behave towards yourself as you would to someone else, someone you cared about.    Would you want that friend to feel ashamed and guilty?   Would you blame her?  Would you blame me, if I came up here and said I received horrible treatment from someone and it took a few months for me to get out?  Would you write back, it's your own fault!  You should have known!  Now you're sullied for life!  Or whatever other messages you're lobbing at yourself.

You may not be able to tell everyone.   Just as you had no idea, others have no idea what this is about.  That does not mean it is shameful, nor is it your fault.  It is private and you ought to protect yourself against being hurt by thoughtless comments, just as you protect your child against the cold or against falls.

I'm sorry you had to go through this.  I am glad the relationship is over.  I am impressed with your strength.


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2005, 06:36:59 PM »
Hi Cadbury,
It's good to hear from you.  I hope the baby is doing well and you're able to get some sleep.

Please be kind to yourself and get over the feelings of shame this man brought to you.  I also did some things that I am not proud of and haven't been able to talk about with anyone, including my therapist, while I was desperately trying to hang on to my marriage.  My ex saw the power he had over me when he was pretending to try to work to save the marriage and he took full advantage of that and relished being able to manipulate me to do whatever turned him on.  Totally degrading and humiliating, but I can look back now and see him for the pathetic human being he is and be so glad he is out of my life.  I actually see those experiences as blessings in disguise, as they were what empowered me to get over him, get healthy, get whole and get on with my life.

I hope you empower yourself to get beyond the pain of what he did and resolve to never allow anyone to take advantage of you again.  Look in the face of that beautiful baby, and be so glad that he is in your life, but his bio-dad is not (you had a boy, right?  Sorry, if I got that wrong).  You have been very strong and courageous where your baby is concerned, and I'm sure with his interests in mind, you can pick up your life, move on and once again be happy.




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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2005, 08:33:15 PM »

You had to go through awful things. Please do not be ashamed to write about your experiences; probably most of us on this board have been in situations where we let ourselves be humiliated by others in one fashion or another. It is a good thing that you are able to open up and write about all this that we would not talk face to face with our friends. I thnk it really helps to be NOT overwhelmed by that shame. My heart goes out to you for having been subjected to all this.

Hugs and love to you, Marta
« Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 02:30:32 AM by Marta »


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2005, 09:05:32 PM »
I'm sorry for what you went through Cadbury.
I feel angry towards that guy who did that to you.   :x  He had absolutely no regard for you at all.  He abused the power he held over you...
It's so hard to deal with the reality of the situation once you come out of the trance.  You wonder who that person was with that man because in hindsight, it didn't feel like you at all-  just a lost soul needing to be loved...
Please don't ever compromise yourself again.  No one is worth that.


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2005, 01:01:59 AM »
shame is a cycle.

My ex-N-h told me that. Ironically...

No one thinks any the less of you, we've all been there, God alone must have ordained my last conception, it was so unlikely....

But here it ends.

You have a baby?


A wonder of nature.

Not just you and the father...but the whole of creation. We are all part of your miracle.

Whatever happened, your baby was meant to be, and has its place here.

Sallying Forth

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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2005, 03:24:30 AM »
You are carrying your exbf's shame, Cadbury. You have done nothing to be ashamed of.

Your exbf is the one who is full of shame. He is a sick, abusive, m#@%*& f$#@%& !!! Sounds like my bioNfather to the T! I am writing a story about him and what he did to me.

I've read the following books and they helped me understand what I went through with my bioNfather.
Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
When Hope Can Kill

What you went through is called the Stockholm Syndrome. The following link helped me understand this as I went through it too.

I'm sorry you went this horrific abuse with that man. Hugs ((((((((((((((Cadbury))))))))))))))
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2005, 04:10:49 AM »
You are all so nice... this board has helped me with so much. I like being able to come here and find understanding.  I will be lost in my own little world feeling lost and floundering, yet here there are people who have been through what I have been through and that helps so much.

NPDdad wrote:
You were controlled and manipulated by someone who was supposed to love you unconditionally.

That is so true, I just don't get how it works. It was like being under a spell in some ways, because now I cannot see anything even likeable in him.

Wow!  I think it's great that you got out after only 9 months!

Well, I was "lucky" in a way that he had an episode of true narcissistic rage that risked the life of my youngest daughter (we were taking her to hospital when she had passed out after banging her head on the sofa, when he desided to stop off at a DIY store - then had a temper tantrum and left us all in the middle of nowhere.) This woke me up so fast that I knew I had to get away. It still took a few months after that to actually get him to stop harassing me. Even last week he sent me flowers when he heard I was ill.  :roll:

I think you are heroic. Naming shame is an awesomely powerful thing to do. When you can NAME your feeling "shame" begins to lose its power. Because it's not a feeling we should ever linger in. I remember someone on TV saying something that hit me like a ton of bricks:
"Guilt" is a normal appropriate human feeling that simply means, "I have made a mistake, so now I want to do what I can to amend it."
(Toxic) "Shame" is a feeling: "I am the mistake."

I also was debased in a relationships with Ns. I am sure there are moments like that, sexual and otherwise, in so many, many recovering people's lives. But that's the are seeing it (even if in hindsight) and you are naming it for what it was, so you are RECOVERING.

Your baby is a lucky angel, because you will know how to teach your child what is whole and what love is. Because you've come to have insight about what it is not. (Like so many of us.) Doesn't matter that you learned it the hard way. Doesn't matter at all. Only that you did.

There is NO shame in having done what felt automated. How about a dawning sense of glowing self-esteem that you're not on autopilot any more? I hope that comes, grows solid, and anchors in your every cell.

Thank you for that post Hopalong. It made so much sense to me. It is so good for me all this - it is giving me perspective. I seem to lose perspective so easily when I am alone. My son is so special to me, I am fighting through the courts to minimise contact with my ex. So far he has seen him for 3 1/2 hours in his whole life. He has been offered more at a contact centre, but in direct breach of the court order is trying to make me go to mediation so he can try and make me let him have contact somewhere else. (He is above a contact centre, don't you know? ;) )
give yourself a break. ......

But try to behave towards yourself as you would to someone else, someone you cared about. Would you want that friend to feel ashamed and guilty? Would you blame her? Would you blame me, if I came up here and said I received horrible treatment from someone and it took a few months for me to get out? Would you write back, it's your own fault! You should have known! Now you're sullied for life! Or whatever other messages you're lobbing at yourself.

Thanks Plucky! I can see it when it's someone else, I really can. I don't know why it seems so difficult when it is myself. I suppose in some way I blame myself, whereas I can see that is pointless and unnecessary when it is someone else. I really should give myself a break.

I hope the baby is doing well and you're able to get some sleep.

Thank you Brigid. My son (yes it was a boy!) is wonderful. He is still not a good sleeper at all, and I haven't had much sleep for 5 months, but he is such a darling I forgive him. :) I suppose I should never forget that the biggest driving force with my ex was power, everything was about power and control with him. I know that after being with him I will be far more demanding of a future partner in the sense that they will have some big personality tests to pass before I let them in to my life!


You had to go through awful things. Please do not be ashamed to write about your experiences; probably most of us on this board have been in situations where we let ourselves be humiliated by others in one fashion or another. It is a good thing that you are able to open up and write about all this that we would not talk face to face with our friends. I thnk it really helps to be NOT overwhelmed by that shame. My heart goes out to you for having been subjected to all this.

Hugs and love to you, Marta

It did help to write a little about it all. The fact that none of you were disgusted by me made me feel a little better. It was also good to finally admit some of what went on. A lot of my friends just think he was an idiot that I finally gt fed up with. The don't know what NPD can be like at all.

It's so hard to deal with the reality of the situation once you come out of the trance. You wonder who that person was with that man because in hindsight, it didn't feel like you at all- just a lost soul needing to be loved...

Wow Selkie - that is so right. It was like a trance, and I really don't recognise myself in it... thank you for understanding (that goes for all of you btw :) )

A wonder of nature.

Not just you and the father...but the whole of creation. We are all part of your miracle.

Whatever happened, your baby was meant to be, and has its place here.

Thank you write, I truly feel blessed by my son, whatever that means for the future and having to deal with his father. I do believe that everything has its place in a bigger plan and that is very comforting.

Sallying Forth - Thank you for those links and books. I will do some reading. I am glad that I sawwhat he is before my son was even born.

Hugs to all of you and thank you so much for your understanding. I still feel ashamed, but I can keep working on that. You have all helped give me some perspective on everything, so thank you.

Another thing is I feel as though I should apologise to some of the people i wasn't myself with and treated badly. I don't know if this would be more for myself than them. I have made it up with them, but this was mostly because they all came back when my ex left. Would it help if I wrote to them and explained how I was feeling and what was happening? I just feel that I owe them some explanation. What do you think? Would it just open old wounds?

Thanks again :)


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2005, 07:19:01 AM »
You mean like, "There's been a stretch when I wasn't myself, couldn't be a terrific friend, because of the extreme issues that were going on. I am sorry for that, and want you to know I'm grateful we are friends. Thank you for being in my life."
Something like that wrapped around a bar of chocolate? You don't owe any big detailed thing...but if some general acknowlegment would feel right, why not?

(I think offering UNASHAMED apology is empowering. I have a tendency to put words in other people's mouths, too. To try to write other people's dialogue.) I'm sorry for that.  :)
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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2005, 08:08:46 AM »
Hopalong: Yes, that is the kind of thing I was thinking of... I just don't know how beneficial that would be. I feel I should explain myself a little... oh and your words were fine! :))


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2005, 08:25:32 AM »

Another thing is I feel as though I should apologise to some of the people i wasn't myself with and treated badly. I don't know if this would be more for myself than them. I have made it up with them, but this was mostly because they all came back when my ex left. Would it help if I wrote to them and explained how I was feeling and what was happening? I just feel that I owe them some explanation. What do you think? Would it just open old wounds?

To be totally honest I feel you have to do what you feel is best for you.  Real Friends are friends through good and bad times and they won't be expecting an apology or an explanation.  They will just be happy that you're away from your ex and are moving on with your life.
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Do you ever feel ashamed?
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2005, 08:55:01 AM »
I think you must do what feels right for you.  If you feel like it is too raw and may open up the wound, don't do it.  You should start putting yourself first for a change.  On the other hand, if you do feel like you can, I think it's a lovely idea to let your friends know that you acknowledge the fact that you weren't there for them or weren't yourself or whatever...  I don't think you need to explain in full or anything, if you feel like you neglected them, then it just needs acknowledgement.